Learn about the requirements and process to operate a cannabis retail store
As of December 2, 2024, the City has amended its zoning bylaws for liquor and cannabis applications and these amendments enable it to begin accepting applications for private retail cannabis stores in Burnaby.
Cannabis retail application process
To apply to operate a cannabis retail store in the City of Burnaby, applicants must first apply for a separate Provincial licence that is regulated and enforced by the BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch LCRB) under the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act.
Before submitting an application to the Province, please review the full details of the City's Liquor and Cannabis Licensing Policy.
The following steps outline the general process.
The proposed business location must meet the City's Zoning Bylaw requirements, and be in a commercial zone designated as C1, C2, C3 or comprehensive development based on one of those zones. The location must also be located at least one kilometre from an existing retail cannabis store.
If you have a prospective location in mind, please contact the Planning Department to confirm by emailing [email protected] or calling 604-294-7400.
Submit an application to the Province for a cannabis retail licence.
Once your Provincial retail licence application has been submitted, a referral will be made to the City of Burnaby by the LCRB. Only applications that have been referred by the LCRB to the City or applications from the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (BCLDB) will be accepted by the City.
When your referral has been received from the LCRB, a representative from the City will contact you to submit a retail cannabis store application to the Planning and Development Department. Your application must contain the following:
- Development application form
- Agent Authorization form
- If part of a strata - A letter of support for the application from the strata is required
- Floor plans (clearly dimensioned, with floor and uses areas noted)
- Letter of intent
- Application fee
- Land title
Your application will be reviewed, and an assessment will be conducted to ensure that the City requirements have been met. In line with Provincial requirements, nearby neighbours will be notified of the application and invited to submit feedback on the proposal. Staff will then prepare a report to Council, with their recommendations on which applications should be given a positive recommendation to the Province. Initially, only one new retail cannabis store per City quadrant will be recommended for licensing.
Once your application receives approval in principle from the Province and a positive recommendation from the City, applicants may apply for a building permit to construct or renovate your store.
Applicants can review our Commercial Renovations webpage for more information on applying for required building permits. For more information contact [email protected] or call 604-294-7130.
After receiving final approval for a Provincial licence and an issued building permit from the City, applicants can apply for a municipal business licence to operate their cannabis retail store within the City.
Date of first applications received (by quadrant)
Please note: Only one new retail cannabis store per City quadrant will be recommended for licensing by Council. Applications received within 60 days of the first application in each quadrant will be reviewed as a batch.
- Northwest Quadrant: First complete application received January 17, 2025.
- Complete applications must be received at the City by 4:45 pm on March 18, 2025.
- Southwest Quadrant: First complete application received January 20, 2025.
- Complete applications must be received at the City by 4:45pm on March 21, 2025.
- Northeast Quadrant: First complete application received January 23, 2025.
- Complete applications must be received at the City by 4:45 pm on March 24, 2025.
- Southeast Quadrant: First complete application received March 6, 2025
- Complete applications must be received at the City by 4:45 pm on May 5, 2025.
Applicant | Address | Quadrant |
Seed and Stone | 180-4112 Lougheed | Northwest |
Seed and Stone | 5906 Kingsway | Southwest |
Kelo Cannabis | 9855 Autin Rd | Northeast |
Local Cannabis | 3722 Canada Way | Southwest |
Boss Cannabis | 7347 Edmonds St | Southeast |