Seniors & Family Support

Learn how we’re improving our citizens’ well-being and discover the support we can offer you

We’re always working to provide a better life for our citizens—from the youngest to the oldest; ensuring access to recreation for everyone; and finding ways to tackle homelessness, food security and affordable housing. See what we have to offer.

Programs for you

Seniors make up 20% of Burnaby's population. We offer helpful services and programs so they can stay independent, active and connected to our community.

Burnaby wants to give every child a great start in life–starting with quality childcare, followed by fun programs and activities as they grow.

  • Housing and homelessness - We know the high cost of living and housing can cause a risk of homelessness for our citizens. That’s why we’ve developed a strategy to address challenges and create opportunities for positive change across our entire housing system.
  • Affordable and accessible housing programs - We're working with senior levels of government and non-profit organizations to provide our residents with more affordable housing options.
  • Food security - We’re working towards increasing food security in our city through supporting a range of urban agricultural activities like community gardens and bee-keeping.

If you’re in financial need, you can still enjoy an active lifestyle with help from these programs.

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