Thank you for your interest in the Deer Lake Artist Residencies

Please review our studio spaces and questions and answers prior to making an application to ensure feasibility.

Section 1: Artist information

Ex. they/he/she
The City of Burnaby is committed to programming that reflects the diversity of our city. Please select as many intersecting identities that apply to you.

Section 2: Application details

Are you applying for:
Note: Current City of Burnaby employees are not eligible to apply. Contract part-time and seasonal instructors are welcome to apply, provided that they are not teaching during the proposed time of the residency and there’s no conflict of interest, perceived or real.
Have you and/or a member of your group/collective had a previous residency with us?
Reminder: Returning applicants, specifically artists who attended a residency in the past 24 months, are not eligible to apply and should wait for the next intake.
Please select a date between March 1, 2026 and December 5, 2026.
Please select a date between March 1, 2026 and December 5, 2026.
Are you flexible with your start date?
  • Studio residency minimum 2 weeks
  • Live in house residency minimum 4 weeks
  • Maximum of 8 weeks for both types pending availability and program goals
  • 2026 Ceramics residencies will take place from August 4 to September 12. There is no availability for ceramic residencies from mid-September through to the end of July due to the high demand from our regular operations. 
Which discipline(s) are you applying for? Please select the most applicable.
Our pottery studios feature the following equipment listed below. What equipment do you intend to use during the residency? (Select all that apply)
Do you own your own respirator and goggles?
Are you comfortable working independently in a glaze lab?
Below are the types of firings we can offer. Which are you hoping to participate in? (Select all that apply)

For more information about the spaces available, refer to the Deer Lake Artist Residencies webpage

If you do not have any specific requirements, please answer "no" to this question.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
(Etc. head shot. Please note, if you are selected for a residency, this photograph may be used in promotional material including media release, website, social media and reports. You can advise to change the photo later.)
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.
For your project proposal, please share some thoughts about the creative inquiry that accompanies you in the work you are hoping to create during your residency with us. Tell us about the communities you are connected to in your life and creative practices. Is there a particular connection between your work and particular communities of support and/or practice?

Elaborate on your ideas for community engagement, taking into consideration any equipment/space/support you might need. 

Previous community engagement ideas have included: artist talks, public demonstrations, open studios, social media takeovers, workshops, etc. Refer to the Deer Lake Artist Residencies webpage for examples of engagement activities. 

Please note: Ceramics residency cannot accommodate workshops.

Are you planning on working with vulnerable persons for your community engagement?
If yes, do you acknowledge that you have to provide a satisfactory police information check at the time of signing the contract/agreement?

Samples of work

Please provide:

  • Creative writing – 10 pages of written work and/or a recording or video of reading, event, or performance
  • Visual art – 10 images
  • Ceramics – 10 images
  • Dance – performance video
  • Music – a recording of your work
  • Theatre and film – 20 pages of script and/or performance video
  • Media and interdisciplinary – in a form that is accessible

Please note: If the size of your file is too large it may not upload. Please share as a link below instead. If you continue to experience issues, please email your samples to [email protected].

Please note: We may use some samples of your work for promotional purposes if you are selected for a residency including media release, website, social media and reports. You can advise to change the sample(s) later.
Maximum 5 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, mov, mp3, mp4, zip.

Please confirm you have read the description of studios, spaces and availability and acknowledge that your proposal is suitable within the parameters.

Your privacy

Your personal information is being collected and used for the purpose of the Deer Lake Artist Residencies application process and will be managed in accordance with s. 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions regarding the collection of your personal information and receipt of electronic messages, please contact Marketing and Corporate Communications at [email protected].