Report lawn watering violations

Please provide the address where the violation has taken place. 
Please provide the date(s) and time(s) of the observed violation(s). 
Please provide where on the property the watering violation is taking place (e.g. front lawn).
Please provide information on the device used (e.g. auto sprinkler).
Maximum 3 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, mp3, mp4.
You may upload up to 3 images to showcase the lawn watering violation. 

Contact information

Please provide your name and contact information.

Your personal information is being collected and used for the purpose of contacting you regarding your lawn watering violation report and will be managed in accordance with s. 26 of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions regarding the collection, use, and storage of your personal information, please contact Marketing and Corporate Communications at [email protected].