June 29, 2023

Survey extended for input into locations for a new Burnaby City Hall

We have extended the deadline for an online survey asking the community to share their thoughts on potential locations for a new City Hall. The new deadline is July 30.
June 22, 2023

City of Burnaby proposes creating municipal housing authority

The Burnaby Housing Authority would help more residents find affordable housing in Burnaby
June 15, 2023

City seeking public input on community plans for Edmonds, Royal Oak and Cascade Heights neighbourhoods

The City of Burnaby is seeking input on the preliminary visioning, goals and plan directions for the new Edmonds Town Centre, Royal Oak Urban Village and Cascade Heights Urban Village community plans.
May 31, 2023

Burnaby seeking input into location for new City Hall in Metrotown area

The City of Burnaby is seeking public input to determine the best location for a new City Hall in the Metrotown area, to replace the aging facility at 4949 Canada Way.
May 5, 2023

Burnaby launches process to build new City Hall in Metrotown

Recognizing that Burnaby’s current City Hall is nearing the end of its service life, City Council has asked staff to begin the process of planning for a new City Hall to be built in the coming years.
April 25, 2023

Burnaby breaks ground on new covered sports box at Confederation Park

Mayor Mike Hurley and representatives from City Council and the Parks Commission broke ground on Confederation Park’s covered sports box on April 18, marking a milestone in the construction of the new state-of-the-art facility.
April 17, 2023

Transformations community art mural now adorns Burnaby Lake Aquatic and Arena project site

Last fall, we invited community members to participate in a community art project for the design of a temporary mural to decorate the fencing around the Burnaby Lake Aquatic and Arena construction site.
April 6, 2023

C.G. Brown Memorial Pool being demolished to make way for new destination recreation facility

The City of Burnaby is demolishing the C.G. Brown Memorial Pool starting April 6 to make room for the new Burnaby Lake Aquatic and Arena Facility, an exciting destination recreation centre to serve our entire community.
March 13, 2023

City improving development approval process

The City is taking action to improve processing times for development and building permits and create a faster, simpler and better experience for applicants through the Development Approval Process (DAP) Project.
March 2, 2023

City opens feedback opportunity for park dedication removal

Through an Alternative Approval Process, City Council is asking whether electors oppose the adoption of Burnaby Park Dedication Removal Bylaw 2023 to remove the park dedication for a portion of undeveloped park land at 4800 Riverbend Drive proposed to be used for the proposed GRO facility.