Corporate Services

Our teams lead key initiatives and provide support services to the City operations you depend on

Learn about Corporate Services’ key departments that support the City’s prudent yet innovative operations and initiatives.

Who we are

Corporate Services oversees Legislative Services (formerly City Clerk's Office), Legal, Change Management and Transformation, Marketing and Corporate Communications, and Geographic Information Systems. The department supports the council, prepares bylaws and leads key corporate initiatives and strategies.

What we do

Corporate Services consists of the following departments. 

The Change Management and Transformation Division helps the City start new projects and initiatives, improve operations, and support staff in adapting to new technologies and processes, enhancing service delivery, and providing training.

By focusing on people, the division engages staff, builds relationships, and creates practical solutions to improve efficiency, meet community needs, and ensure smooth, lasting change with minimal disruption.

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division manages the City’s spatial data. This includes information for the city's infrastructure, facilities, parks, and planning. Using advanced mapping, analytics and geospatial solutions, the GIS team helps the City to make informed decisions. 

Flagship projects —such as BurnabyMap and the Burnaby Open Data Portal— have interactive maps and insights to increase transparency and engagement. By using geospatial technology and smart city initiatives, the division enhances planning, efficiency, and sustainability.

Legislative Services is responsible for maintaining and managing City records and provides administrative support to council and its various committees, commissions and boards. They oversee local government elections, Freedom of Information, and the City Archives. Working with residents, businesses and organizations, Legislative Services supports participation in local government.

Legal coordinates and prepares bylaws, contracts, development agreements and provides legal advice and services to other City departments. The department also addresses legal proceedings involving the City.

Marketing and Corporate Communications creates and implements marketing and communications strategies and plans in line with the City's objectives. The department informs and engages residents and businesses about City's programs, services and events using educational and promotional content, graphics and other collateral. 

Marketing and Corporate Communications also oversees the Print Shop, a full-service facility providing high quality offset printing, high speed copying, colour copying, large format printing including banners and bindery services to departments and related civic groups.

Contact us

Department Phone Email
Legislative Services Phone: 604-294-7290
Fax: 604-294-7537
[email protected]
City Archives 604-294-4947 [email protected]
Marketing and Corporate Communications 604-570-3636 [email protected]
Geographic Information Systems 604-673-2880 [email protected]
Legal Phone: 604-294-7381
Fax: 604-294-7985

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