Social Planning Committee

This committee advises Council on various social issues, including leasing space at Burnaby's community resource centres, needs of seniors, youth, families, ethnic groups, 2SLGBTQIA+, persons with disability and socio-economic equity issues.

Foundational documents that inform and provide context for the priorities and actions of the committee include the Social Sustainability Strategy, the Official Community Plan, and the Corporate Strategic Plan. Our Social Planning Committee is made up of 11 members, including 3 Council representatives, 4 resident representatives and 3 non-voting advisory groups, as recommended by staff. Each member has a 3-year term with an opportunity for one renewal to a maximum of 6 years.


  • Councillor Alison Gu, Chair
  • Councillor Maita Santiago, Vice Chair
  • Councillor Richard T. Lee, Member
  • Swapna Antony, Resident Representative
  • Monique Nelson, Resident Representative
  • Judith Roche, Resident Representative
  • Trustee Jen Mezei, Burnaby Board of Education 
  • Sherman Chan, Burnaby Inter-Agency Council 
  • Antonia Beck, Burnaby Inter-Agency Council 
  • Dr. Lindsay Bowthorpe, Fraser Health Authority
Back row left to right: Sherman Chan (BIAC), Dr. Lindsay Bowthorpe (FHA), Judith Roche, Monique Nelson, Councillor Richard T. Lee. Front row left to right: Antonia Beck (BIAC), Jen Mezei (Trustee), Councillor Allison Gu (Chair), Ana-Maria Bustamante (BIPT), Councillor Maita Santiago (Vice Chair), Swapna Antony.

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