Public notices: Statutory public notices are published on the City’s website and in the City’s eNewsletter.
Zoning bylaw amendments: Please be advised, some rezoning bylaws do not have public hearings. For those, please view the Zoning Bylaw Amendments webpage.
Your voice matters
City Council holds public hearings before adopting an amendment to a zoning bylaw, also known as a rezoning application. The hearings allow you to present your views to council if you feel you’ll be affected by a proposed rezoning application.
The City will send a notice at least 10 days before a hearing if you live within a 30 metre (100 feet) radius of the property. The notice will also be published on the City’s website and in the City’s eNewsletter.
You can view the public hearing agenda that contains supporting staff reports, bylaws and related information for the subject amendment bylaws.
At the public hearing, City Council is not obliged to express any views or enter into any debate concerning the issue; however, if they chose, City Council members may ask questions of any speaker, staff member or applicant. City Council may pass a motion to request for a staff report to provide more information and/or clarification on issues raised at the public hearing. Until such report is received satisfactorily by council, second reading of the bylaw is withheld.
After the hearing, if council supported the rezoning application, council votes on the second reading of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment at the next scheduled council meeting. If the second reading is approved, the applicant will work with City staff to complete the rezoning requirements set on their application before council grants consideration. This is followed by a third reading when the requirements are substantially met, and final adoption of the bylaw when the requirements are completely satisfied.
If council doesn’t support the bylaw at the second reading, the bylaw is considered defeated.
Upcoming public hearings
Public hearings are scheduled to take place at City Hall at 5 pm on the following dates in 2024:
- January 30 (cancelled)
- February 27
- March 26
- April 30 (cancelled)
- May 28 (cancelled)
- June 25 (cancelled)
- July 30 (cancelled)
- August 27 (cancelled)
- September 24 (cancelled)
- October 29 (cancelled)
- November 26 (cancelled)
- December 10 (cancelled)
Listen to or attend public hearings
If you believe that you are affected by a proposed bylaw being considered at a public hearing, you may submit written comments prior to, or make a presentation via Zoom, or in-person, during, a scheduled public hearing.
Public hearings are live-streamed. Please note there is a 45 second delay between the live meeting and the web broadcast.
We archive meetings for up to 2 years for you to watch past public hearings at your convenience.
Attend in person in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 4949 Canada Way.
Date |
Link to join meeting |
Webinar ID |
February 27 | | 687 0596 7559 |
March 26 | | 666 4109 8252 |
Instructions for downloading Zoom
- Follow the prompts to download and run Zoom. If required, enter the webinar ID, then click "join the webinar".
- Register with your complete first and last name, especially if you’re speaking to a rezoning application.
- When you connect, your microphone will be muted. It will be unmuted when it's your time to speak.
During a meeting
- When you want to speak to a particular rezoning application, click the "raise hand" icon and wait for the clerk to ask you to unmute your microphone. Click accept to unmute yourself.
- State your name, address and confirm the rezoning application number you are addressing.
- You will have five minutes for your presentation.
- Council members may ask questions after you make a presentation.
- After all the speakers have been heard, the mayor will call for any additional speakers. If you wish to speak for a second time, please click the "raise hand" icon again and wait for the clerk to unmute you. If you are speaking for a second time, please further note that you will be allowed to speak for two minutes on the new information only.
- To ensure that everyone who wishes to speak has the ability to do so, a one-minute pause will take place after the mayor has called for a second time for final speakers. If there are no speakers after the one-minute pause, the mayor will call for additional speakers for the third and final time.
Additional information and guidelines:
- A staff member will help you troubleshoot minor technical issues (i.e. unmuting a microphone, raising a hand, etc.) via the chat function in Zoom.
- Please remember that you should only use the Zoom chat function to communicate with the staff if you’re having technical issues. Don’t use chat to comment or pose questions related to a rezoning application.
- Please know that the Legislative Services email——isn’t monitored during the public hearing.
Important notice
Remote participation will be conducted by Zoom. Zoom can be used via a computer with a microphone, a tablet or smart phone, or by a land line. Zoom is a US based video conferencing solution used extensively by cities and the provincial government. Like most similar programs/software/services, Zoom will collect a limited amount of personal information about you when you register to join the meeting. If you are not comfortable with this collection of personal information, please participate by writing to City Council.
You can send in your comments on the rezoning applications on the agenda by 2:45 pm on the day of the public hearing using the online form below. Written submissions become part of public record and will be available online as part of public hearing agenda. Please note no submissions will be received by Council after the conclusion of the public hearing.
You can also have the option of submitting your comments by web form, email, fax or mail. All written submissions must include the author’s legal name and civic address and will become part of the permanent public record in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Fax: 604-294-7537
Mayor and Council
Legislative Services
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2
Have questions?
To learn more about the public hearing process, you can call the Legislative Services' office at 604-294-7290 or email
For details about a specific application, call the Planning and Development Department at 604-294-7400.