Write to Mayor and Council or Council advisory bodies
If you have input or information that you wish to bring to the attention of Council or a Council Advisory Body (Commissions and Committees) you may submit a letter for consideration at the next scheduled meeting, if in accordance with the Correspondence Policy.
Note: Petitions and public notice submissions are not considered correspondence in accordance to the policy, therefore please visit the Petition Process or the Public Notices webpage for guidance on how to submit a petition or respond to current public notices.
Submission deadlines:
To have your correspondence appear on a Council Correspondence Package, it must be received by the Corporate Officer no later than noon on the Tuesday preceding a Council or advisory body meeting. Once published, Council or an advisory body may raise your submission for discussion at the “correspondence” section of the meeting where the letter was published.
View the upcoming meetings calendar
All submissions must:
- be addressed to “Mayor and Council” or the advisory body
- include the full name of the author
- include the civic address of the author
- provide contact information of the author
Privacy note: Emails and phone numbers will be redacted and not placed on public record, they are only requested to provide confirmation of receipt of your letter and a response, if applicable. Letters can be emailed, faxed or mailed.
Submissions must not contain:
- video or audio files and related formats (e.g., .mp3, mp4)
- external website URLs, redirects or links
- vulgar, derogatory or defamatory language
- confidential or personal information of third parties
- any content that violates the City’s Respectful Workplace policy
How to expedite your letter or submissions:
Bylaw complaints, reporting public space or infrastructure concerns, submitting applications, or operational matters that are not considered Council or advisory body matters should be sent to the appropriate department to ensure letters are handled in a efficient and effective manner.
Correspondence letters to Council require up to an average of 2 weeks to be considered, as they must be published in an agenda package and then considered at a meeting. To prevent delays or errors in your non-correspondence submissions, please visit our Contact Us page to be directed to the most appropriate department staff who would be happy to assist you.
Submit a letter
Public record notice
All submissions will form part of the permanent public record. Personal information provided through letters is collected in accordance with BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
At the discretion of the Corporate Officer, your submission, along with your name and civic address, will be included in the meeting packages. Content of submissions may be redacted in accordance FOIPPA. For example, phone numbers and email addresses of individuals will be redacted, unless it is considered business contact information.
Additional ways to submit your letter
Mail, email or fax your letter with a subject, your name, address, phone number and email address. For assistance in submitting letters not provided on this page, please contact Legislative Services.
To address Mayor and Council, write to:
Mayor and Council
c/o Legislative Services
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2 | Map
Fax: 604-294-7537
Email: legislativeservices@burnaby.ca
To address advisory bodies (boards, committees or commissions), write to:
Name of the board, committee or commission
c/o Legislative Services
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2 | Map
Fax: 604-294-7537
Email: legislativeservices@burnaby.ca
To address the Corporate Officer, write to:
Corporate Officer
c/o Legislative Services
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2 | Map
Email: legislativeservices@burnaby.ca
To address the Public Library Board, write to:
Burnaby Public Library Board
c/o Chief Librarian’s Office
Bob Prittie Metrotown Branch
6100 Willingdon Ave
Burnaby, BC V5H 4N5 | Map
Email: board@bpl.bc.ca