Online activity registration system coming in July

Last updated: February 13, 2025

The City is moving to a new, user-friendly online registration system in time for the busy fall recreation and culture activity registration season. Not only will the new WebReg serve our community better, but it’ll also provide users with more effective and efficient tools to register for activities and manage their account.

Some of the new features of the new online registration system include:

  • a simple login using an email and a password 
  • an improved filter and search function to find activities quickly
  • a personalized calendar to review a family’s schedule and save to devices
  • a wish list feature to save programs for easier registration

As an email address will be essential to access the new registration system online, the City is requesting current users to add their email to their existing account in the current WebReg system right away—this will help make for a smoother transition of their account information to the new system. As well as email, users should check that their address, telephone numbers, birthdates and spellings of their family member’s names are all correct; ensure that the people listed within their account are still current; and use or redeem any refund credits that may exist on their account. Updates to their information can be made by filling out our webform, dropping by any recreation or arts facility or by giving one of the facilities a call. 

Update your account

As with any new system, there’s potential for some unforeseen bumps or glitches. City staff have made this project a priority and will work diligently to resolve any issues as they arise. The City thanks users in advance for their patience as we strive to make life better for our communities.

NOTE: For this summer’s programs, the City will continue to use their existing WebReg system. The new system will be launching in time for fall registration. 

For more information: 

Media Contact:
Chris Bryan
Manager, Public Affairs
Public Affairs Office
604-570-3616 | [email protected]

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