Due to recent changes within the local media industry in Burnaby, City Council adopted a new Public Notice Bylaw to provide alternative means of publishing public notices required by legislation that will ensure residents consistently know where to find these public notices.
The purposes of public notices are to facilitate transparency and accountability by informing the public of opportunities to share views and participate in local government decision-making, and to provide advance public notice of matters of public interest.
With no freely accessible local printed newspaper being published in Burnaby as of mid-August, in lieu of publishing notices in a local printed paper, the new Public Notice Bylaw establishes the following alternative methods for publishing public notices:
- City of Burnaby public notice webpage (Burnaby.ca/PublicNotices); and
- eNewsletter (currently called CityConnect) that is published by the City and distributed through an electronic email subscription service (residents can sign up at Burnaby.ca/enews).
All statutory public notices will continue to be posted on the notice board at Burnaby City Hall (outside of Legislative Services office).
Statutory public notices are published in advance of matters of public interest such as public meetings, elections, public hearings, dispositions of land, and adoptions of certain bylaws or bylaw amendments (such as road closure, business regulation and procedure bylaws). These notices are required by various provincial legislation, including the Community Charter and the Local Government Act, and include, where applicable, information on how, when, and where the public can request further information and/or provide comments to Council or City staff.
For more information: Burnaby.ca/PublicNotices.
Media Contact:
Chris Bryan
Manager, Public Affairs
Public Affairs Office
604-570-3616 | Chris.Bryan@burnaby.ca