Burnaby City Council is submitting a formal request to the BC Energy Regulator (BCER) for an independent investigation of the incident that resulted in the release of odorous gas at the Parkland refinery on January 21.
City Council also directed staff to explore the feasibility of recovering costs for the deployment of Burnaby Fire Department members to the Parkland refinery on January 21. The total cost for staff and equipment deployed to Parkland is approximately $30,000.
“Burnaby residents and residents of other parts of our region had their lives disrupted by the incident at Parkland refinery and they deserve a full and transparent account of what happened on January 21,” said Mayor Mike Hurley. “Municipalities only have a limited set of tools to hold industry accountable, but it is our role to advocate on behalf of our residents and demand answers and accountability in the wake of this incident.”
City Council approved the motions at its meeting on January 29.
Learn More: Message to residents from Mayor Mike Hurley regarding the Parkland incident