City invites feedback on Central Park Master Plan Phase 1

Last updated: June 3, 2024

The City of Burnaby invites residents to share their input to help develop a master plan for Central Park, one of the most popular and iconic green spaces in our community. 

The Central Park Master Plan will provide a vision and principles to guide investments and developments of the park over the next few decades. The Plan will be developed in two phases, with Phase 1 focusing on the planning and design of a significant node located at Kingsway and Patterson Avenue along the BC Parkway. Phase 2 will cover the planning for the remainder of Central Park.

We’re inviting feedback on Phase 1 from now until Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Get involved!

You’re invited to complete a survey at

You can also learn more and share your thoughts at an upcoming open house:

Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024
Time: 4-7pm, no registration required.
Location: Central Park (at Patterson SkyTrain Station)

About Central Park

Spanning 86 hectares, Central Park features lush forests and trails, recreation and sports facilities, various park amenities, and hosts many community events. With easy access via the SkyTrain, Kingsway and cycling paths, Central Park serves as a vital green space for both residents and visitors.

Learn more:

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