Burnaby Recognizes 2024 Environmental Awards Honorees

Last updated: June 26, 2024

Council had the happy duty of conferring their congratulations and thanks to the winners of Burnaby’s 2024 Environmental Awards at their Monday, June 24 meeting. This year saw 3 Environmental Awards bestowed, which recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals, community groups, businesses and organizations to environmental sustainability in our community. Council also presented 3 additional Environmental Stars, which recognize environmental achievements of a smaller or individual scale that may serve to catalyze larger initiatives and inspire others. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to the 2024 recipients, listed below in alphabetical order: 

2024 Environmental Awards

Laurel Dykstra, in the category of Communications

Laurel Dykstra is an Anglican priest, community-based activist and scholar, and Burnaby resident, who recently published a book titled “Wildlife Congregations: A priest’s Year of Gaggles, Colonies, and Murders by the Salish Sea”. The book documents Laurel’s spiritual encounters with large gatherings of birds, fish, and wildlife that inhabit the lower Fraser watershed.

Irene Lau, in the category of Community Stewardship

Irene Lau has been on the Board of the Burnaby Lake Park Association (BLPA) since 2012 and assumed leadership of the board since 2015. In 2023 alone, Irene logged 400 hours of volunteer service with the BLPA. Through her efforts, Irene connects people with nature through habitat restoration and enhancement, education and outreach.

The von Euw family, in the category of Community Stewardship 

Ed von Euw, his wife Nancy and their three children Greg, Emily and Daniel have been the principal caretakers of Silver Creek in North Burnaby for the past 23 years. Silver Creek is part of the Brunette Watershed and flows from Burnaby Mountain near SFU into the Brunette River just above the Cariboo Dam.

The family is currently preparing for their move from Burnaby to the Sunshine Coast and is transferring their knowledge to the members of the Stoney Creek Environment Committee that will be overseeing the Silver Creek watershed for the foreseeable future.

2024 Environmental Stars

Burnaby for our Kids, in the category of Community Stewardship

Burnaby For Our Kids is a local chapter of the national For Our Kids parent-led climate advocacy network. They organize family friendly events such as removing invasive species and planting native species, litter clean-ups and offer environmentally themed tours around Burnaby.

Clay Construction, in the category of Planning and Development

Clay Construction Inc. is a Langley-based business that led the deconstruction of a single detached house at 7676 Lawrence Drive in Burnaby in 2023. This project pre-dated the City’s Construction & Demolition Waste Diversion Bylaw and exceeded the City’s expectations for waste recovery and environmental protection of existing trees and plants on-site.

Nikki Gill, in the category of Community Stewardship

Nikki is the founder of the Fraser River Clean Up Club which originated in 2021 as a way to help reduce the litter in her neighbourhood. She now organizes monthly Fraser shoreline cleanups across the lower mainland. The club has conducted 30 cleanups to date of which 10 have been in Burnaby.

Learn more about the winners: Environmental Awards

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