City of Burnaby approves landmark Anti-Racism Framework

Last updated: July 9, 2024

The City of Burnaby is taking a leading role in building an anti-racist community with the approval of the City’s first Anti-Racism Framework.

“We are extremely fortunate to live in one of the most diverse cities in Canada, which makes Burnaby one of the most vibrant, exciting and unique places in the world,” said Mayor Mike Hurley. “Racism and hate have no place in Burnaby, and we are committed to taking concrete action to build a more equitable and just community for all residents.”

Burnaby is one of only a handful of Canadian cities without a majority ethnic group. More than half of residents were not born in Canada and more than 120 languages are spoken here. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Burnaby RCMP reported a spike in the number of police-reported hate crimes, following a trend that was reported nationwide. 

Burnaby’s Anti-Racism Framework summarizes the anti-racism actions the City is currently undertaking, and makes 19 recommendations for further actions to advance this work. 

Recommendations include:

  • Developing and implementing a City anti-racism and antidiscrimination policy focused on increasing safety and belonging for Indigenous, Black and Persons of Colour (IBPOC).
  • Encouraging the expansion of recreation programming options and community centre access to ensure full participation, access and inclusion of all City of Burnaby residents.
  • Developing a system for the public to report instances of discrimination or racism which occur while in a civic facility or attending a City program/service.

The Framework was developed by a sub-committee of the City’s Social Planning Committee. During the development of the Anti-Racism Framework, the sub-committee reviewed two City-supported community-based research projects: 

  • Environmental Scan of Community Supports: Addressing Hate in Burnaby, led by Sangeeta Subramanian; and 
  • Building Belonging in Burnaby for Racialized Newcomers and Immigrants to Thrive – Understanding and Dismantling Systemic Racism, led by Dr. June Francis and Dr. Kristina Henriksson.

Staff will now prepare an implementation plan to identify the resources and supports necessary to put the framework into action.

Learn More: Intercultural Policies and Initiatives

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