Update: In the January 29, 2025 Burnaby City Council meeting, Council voted to abandon the Confederation Park Community Centre redevelopment project and cancel the existing contracts awarded through the public bid process, due to rising costs and funding challenges. Council further directed staff to return with a report on the scope and possible timing of taking on a different project to address the Confederation Park Community Centre needs in the future. Learn more.
About this project
The new Confederation Park Community Centre will be a focal point for Burnaby’s growing northwest quadrant, bringing together existing facilities and providing new and improved spaces forarts, fitness and recreational activities. The Burnaby Public Library McGill Branch (built in 2001) and the Eileen Dailly Leisure Pool and Fitness Centre (built in 1992) will be retained and form part of the new complex. The Confederation Community Centre for Seniors (built in 1971 and expanded in 1988) will be replaced with new, modern facilities inside the new centre.
The new 3-level facility will be built adjacent to the pool and library at the corner of Willingdon Ave and Albert St, and will feature:
2 gymnasiums and locker rooms
fitness centre and weight room with cardio equipment
dedicated seniors’ lounge
childminding, indoor play area, youth lounge
multipurpose and meeting rooms
Outside, the site will feature extensive landscaping and public space, and a dramatic linear gateway plaza that will lead people from the street through the complex and into the park.
View our fly-through video below, to gain a better understanding of the entire project.
What's happening now
The Confederation Park Community Centre replacement project has been deferred. Learn more.
Our goals
We are committed to creating a connected, healthy and dynamic community by providing public facilities that encourage opportunities for social gathering, healthy living and well-being and meet the needs of our growing community.