Development Approval Process (DAP)

About this project
We’re reducing processing times for development and building permits and creating a faster, simpler and better experience for applicants through the Development Approval Process (DAP) Project.
The project also aims to make the application process more transparent and easier with step-by-step guidelines outlining exactly what information is needed and when.
What's new
As part of the City’s commitment to accelerating the housing delivery process, we are significantly reducing the processing times for development and building permit applications. For building permit applicants, our goal is to enhance customer service by:
- Automating zoning reviews: Streamlining the permitting process to save time
- Quick information and feedback: Providing prompt and accessible responses to your inquiries
These efforts are in line with our strategic plan to expand digital services for residents. By adopting digital tools, we're creating more efficient workflows and managing workloads better to serve you faster and more effectively.
Together, we're building a more efficient and responsive future for Burnaby's residents.
Learn more about our commitment to reducing permit processing times.
The decision engine is an innovative feature integrated with My Permits Portal, designed to make the permit application process simpler for citizens. It provides guidance to help users select the correct permit application based on their specific needs. While it currently streamlines the process by offering clear recommendations, future updates will include questions that assist applicants in making the right choices.
This will not only enhance the overall customer experience by reducing confusion and frustration but also significantly cut down on the number of permit-related inquiries. The Decision Engine is a smart tool that brings clarity, accuracy and efficiency to the permit application process, making it easier for everyone involved.
Completed DAP projects
We’re making it more convenient than ever before for permit holders to book inspections. Online inspection bookings are now available for a selection of 40 residential sub-trade inspections, with more options in development. To find out if your permit(s) are available for online inspection booking, log in to Burnaby’s My Permits Portal and visit the “My Work” tab.
We’re also providing alternatives to the traditional permit review process by joining other local municipalities in introducing a Certified Professional (CP) process. The CP program offers an alternative building permit process whereby a Certified Professional (CP) undertakes the building review and construction monitoring role on behalf of the City. The City relies upon the CP’s assurances when issuing Building Permits and Occupancy Permits. The CP must be recognized as a CP by the Architectural Institute of British Columbia or Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
The CP Program applies to the design and construction of new Part 3 buildings. The program does not apply to renovations or tenant improvements except prior to occupancy of the shell building being constructed under the CP Program. Applicants may choose to retain a CP and use the CP Program approach, or may choose to submit applications to the City for plan checking and inspections.
Burnaby is adding new online applications for a selection of Building and Engineering permits. Applying online saves time and can be done from anywhere—register at mypermits.burnaby.ca to get started!
The following permits are now available for online application:
- Single- and Two-Family Dwelling Engineering Pre-Application
- Ditch Enclosure Permit
- Service Connection Adjustment Application
- Residential Building Permits (New, Addition, Alteration, Other)
- Electrical Permits
- Gas Permits
- Plumbing Permits
Visit mypermits.burnaby.ca to learn more.
Buildings are a significant source of carbon emissions in Burnaby. To help achieve our carbon reduction targets and increase the energy efficiency of buildings, the City has adopted the BC Energy Step Code and is transitioning to net-zero emissions in new buildings through adoption of the Zero Carbon Step Code (SC). Energy SC and Zero Carbon SC are regulatory tools that the Province has made available to local governments as part of its CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 to advance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in new buildings across British Columbia.
On May 1 2023, Burnaby implemented Step 3 of the BC Energy Code for all new Part 9 buildings (residential buildings that are 3 storeys or less and have a floor area under 600 sq. m).
Burnaby is also preparing to introduce building requirements from BC’s Zero Carbon Step Code. While the Energy Step Code focuses on reducing the amount of energy buildings use for heating and cooling, the Zero Carbon Step Code focuses on reducing carbon emissions from buildings- primarily by requiring heating and hot water systems be powered by low carbon energy sources like electricity.
Under Burnaby’s current proposals, new Part 9 buildings will be required to meet Energy Level (EL) 3 of the Zero Carbon Step Code (Strong Performance) in 2024, while new Part 3 buildings will be required to meet EL 4 (Zero-Carbon Performance). The requirements for Part 3 buildings can be found in Sections 10.2 (Energy Efficiency) and 10.3 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) of the BC Building Code. The requirements for Part 9 buildings can be found in Sections 9.36.6 (Energy Step Code) and 9.37 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) of the BC Building Code.
The City is currently engaging with interested parties on Zero Carbon Step Code implementation and a pathway to advance to the highest stesp of the Energy Step Code. Please visit our Green Buildings and Land Development webpage for updates and opportunities to provide feedback.
What does this mean for me?
There’s a new permit process for residential building permits for single- and two-family dwellings (see section below). As part of the new process, Engineering pre-approval is now required before you submit your building permit application.
Applications can be made at the Engineering Department, 4th floor, City Hall. The Engineering pre-application approval is part of the building permit application. Please see the section below to learn more about the new building permit process for single- and two-family dwellings, including what’s required in your application.
If you have any questions about Residential Building Permits, please contact the Building Division at 604-294-7130 or [email protected].
Our new residential building permit process is live! Now, experts from different City departments are involved at the right times to support applicants and ensure applications are processed more efficiently and accurately. We’ve made 2 key changes to support a faster, simpler and better experience for applicants:
- New Engineering Department pre-application stage: This early identification of potential issues or challenges means fewer surprises later. This stage addresses site-level servicing and it also includes early identification of issues related to heritage, archeology, boulevard trees and/or site contamination, as needed.
- New Application Completeness Checklist: A new user-friendly guide and Application Completeness Checklist provides clear information about what’s required before you submit an application. This will help reduce delays and the number of revisions required during detailed review and help standardize communication with you.
What does this mean for me?
New applicants:
- You’ll need to first obtain the Engineering Department’s pre-application approvals before submitting a building application.
- Once you’ve received Engineering pre-application approval, you’ll be required to submit a building permit application in person to Building Department.
- We will review and screen it against the Application Completeness Checklist and we'll let you know if you are missing any information or requirements before it proceeds to the next step of plan checker performing an initial zoning check.
If you've already submitted a residential building permit application:
- Our building code engineer will review your application against the Application Completeness Checklist and let you know if you are missing any information or requirements before it can proceed to the next step.
Read the new Application Completeness Checklist requirements. Please review them carefully as you’ll want to ensure you have met all of the requirements. Applications that don’t meet these requirements will not be accepted.
We understand this may be a big change for some of you. Our goal is to create a fair and efficient process that’s and transparent and ultimately, reduce application processing times. We believe these changes will lead to the best possible service for you.
We appreciate your continued support and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you to make the new residential building process a success!
To learn more about the revised process, please visit the New Home Construction webpage.
Improving our development approval process (DAP) is an important part of how the City of Burnaby is working to bring new homes and jobs to our city. As application numbers for building and engineering permits surge in volume and complexity, we established our DAP program to ensure everyone applying for a permit receives clear, prompt and convenient service.
DAP plays a key role in housing and economic growth across the city. Over 11,000 housing units are currently under construction throughout Burnaby, and over 45,000 more are pending in the various stages of our approval process. Streamlining our development approval process is also helping to create millions of square feet of commercial and industrial spaces where residents can work, find space for new ventures and attract investment in our community.