About this project
The City of Burnaby has replaced Fire Station 4 with a new station, designed to meet the needs of our growing city, in a new location.
The new facility is on City-owned land on Greystone Drive, across from Squint Lake Park and directly adjacent to the Trans Mountain tank farm. It replaces the old Fire Station 4 (on Duthie Avenue) which was built in 1956.
The new fire station is complete and will be fully operational in July 2024.
Some key features of the new Fire Station 4 include:
- 15,000 square feet, gross floor area
- 3 drive-through bays for vehicles
- separated decontamination space for crews
- seismically designed to meet post disaster standards
In addition, the new Fire Station 4 aligns with the City of Burnaby’s Climate Action plan, which focuses on sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. Key examples of this include:
- low carbon energy with no natural gas used throughout the building
- energy efficient envelope
- stormwater management system that slows the impact of run off into local streams
- final interior finish that uses less materials throughout the building
- reflective colour roofing for low solar heat gain
- solar ready roof to help push towards net zero energy in future