Non-Market Housing

About these projects
The City of Burnaby is taking action in several ways to create more non-market rental housing in our community.
One way we are doing this is by forging partnerships with the provincial and federal governments, and local non-profit organizations, to add affordable rental units in Burnaby as quickly as possible.
For these projects, the City provides land (usually in the form of long-term leases) and may also provide capital grants from the City’s Community Benefit Bonus Affordable Housing Reserve to help projects advance. Other levels of government fund construction and operating subsidies, while non-profits operate the buildings.
Catalyst Community Development is currently accepting applications for 7392 16th Ave. Visit catalystcommdev.org to apply.
Please contact the non-profit operator for information about rentals
Project status and/or unit mix may change. Information presented above is for reference only.
These projects and partnerships build on the vision outlined by the City Lands Program for Non-Market Housing, Mayor’s Task Force on Community Housing in its final report and HOME: Burnaby’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy.
Learn more about how Burnaby’s programs are making housing more affordable for Burnaby residents at Burnaby.ca/housing.
Questions and answers
The City supports the development of non-market housing projects through the implementation of a variety of policy initiatives. Please visit www.burnaby.ca/housing for a list of policies.
Since 2016, the City has actively pursued leasing City-owned properties to non-profit housing societies or the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation to develop and operate non-market rental housing affordable to a range of incomes. These projects are creating hundreds of new non-market rental units.
Non-market rental housing is also being created by non-profit developers on lands other than those owned by the City. These projects are contributing hundreds of new non-market rental units to Burnaby and are at various stages of development.
As well, a significant increase in purpose-built rental housing is being created in Burnaby. The adoption of Rental Use Zoning Policy (RUZP) has resulted in thousands of rental units, at both below market and market rents, being built and proposed throughout Burnaby.
The City adopted its first ever Housing Needs Report in 2021. The report provides a detailed review of the City’s current and anticipated housing needs over the next decade to 2030. The report covers housing needs across the housing system and assesses a variety of key housing data. Provincial legislation requires that municipalities update their housing needs reports every five years.