Still Creek Avenue Active Transportation Improvements

About this project
The purpose of this project is to upgrade the active transportation facilities on Still Creek Avenue between Douglas Road to the east and the Burnaby Eco-Centre to the west to improve the safety and experience for pedestrians and cyclists.
Still Creek Avenue is part of the Central Valley Greenway, an important regional east-west active transportation corridor, that spans the cities of Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam and New Westminster. As such, this section of Still Creek Avenue supports high volumes of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Over the past few years, the community has identified several safety concerns along this section of Still Creek.
This project is consistent with the City’s Transportation Plan and Climate Action Framework, which aim to improve accessibility and enhance opportunities to shift to healthy and sustainable modes of transportation, such as walking, rolling and cycling.
Spring 2022 engagement
In spring 2022, the project team implemented interim measures using low-cost materials to enhance the safety and experience of the cycling facility, then monitored the interim measures and engaged with the public and stakeholders to better understand their experiences.
We heard from users of the interim cycling facility, local businesses, user groups, and the general public over a series of engagement activities. These activities included focus groups with local businesses and user groups, one-on-one meetings with industrial stakeholders, intercept surveys, and online feedback forms, emails and phone calls from a range of stakeholders and the general public. We gathered feedback about:
- Participants’ overall level of support for the Still Creek Avenue Active Transportation Improvements project.
- What the participants liked about the interim cycling facility and what was working.
- Whether the participants had concerns with the interim cycling facility and suggestions for improvements.
In general, the users of the interim cycling facility and the general public expressed support for the project, specifically highlighting improvements to safety, comfort, and cycling network connections. While the business stakeholders were similarly supportive of the goal to increase safety for all users along this corridor, there were concerns regarding potential conflicts between active transportation users and the industrial uses in this area. These challenges and the proposed modifications of the interim facility in response to the feedback received are highlighted in the table below. A snapshot of our outreach and engagement activities can be found below.
Challenges | Proposed modifications |
Loading operations |
Driveway access |
Traffic safety |
Business access |
Parking impacts |
Network connectivity |
In spring 2022, the project team conducted post-implementation monitoring and engaged with stakeholders for feedback on the interim cycling facility. The information and feedback received helped the project team to refine and make minor modifications where possible in response to what we heard from stakeholders. The project team has finalized an updated design for the cycling facility and began installation mid-August 2022.
What's happening now
We’ve completed the installation for the updated cycling facility. Read about the implemented design modifications. The project team will continue to monitor the use and performance of the new cycling facility along Still Creek Avenue and will refine and make minor design modifications as needed.
Project area map

Ask a question
If you have any questions or would like to provide a comment, please contact our project team at [email protected].