“Ferron writes of love with the relentless introspection of Leonard Cohen, and, as with classic Bob Dylan, her songs’ tough, questioning attitude sometimes gives way to the unexpected.” – Rolling Stone Magazine Ferron’s music has evoked powerful emotions. For many women in particular, their first memory of seeing her perform, of hearing her sing and listening to her words, was pure revelation. Testimony, Misty Mountain, Ain’t Life a Brook, Shadow on a Dime, were the soundtrack to the lives of a generation of fans. She’s a pioneer, winning audiences on the women’s music circuit and beyond, blazing a trail that many others would follow – folks like Ani Di Franco, Mary Gauthier, and the Indigo Girls, who name her their primary inspiration. Now 50+ years into her distinguished career and living on Saturna Island, Ferron remains a salt of the earth singer who approaches her art with both sleeves rolled up, ready to dive in. She walks her talk with heart exposed and performs with a courage and commitment that few other artists ever muster. The words she sings resonate as irrefutable and significant, and she illuminates the human experience in a way that few artists are capable of. Now is not the time to miss catching her live if you can I say!