Find age-friendly activities at Edmonds
Enjoy swimming, yoga, fitness, pilates and other exciting programs that will keep you healthy and active.
There are multiple designated parking stalls provided in the underground parking lot, and in the surface parking lots to the east and west of the Centre. Some street parking is also available.
Entry/Interior Access
Automatic entrance doors are provided at both main entrances to the building.
Male, Female and Universal Change Rooms are wheelchair accessible. There are also two designated accessible changing and shower rooms available in the Universal Change Room area, equipped with overhead lift system. The doors to these designated change rooms are opened with a lever handle. In each of these designated change rooms, there is a change table large enough to accommodate an adult. Adapted weight room equipment is available for use by people with a wide range of abilities.
Pool Access
Zero entry is provided to the children’s leisure pool. Access to the adult leisure pool and the lazy river is via the children’s leisure pool. There are three steps between the children and adult leisure pools. Access to the adult leisure pool and the lazy river is also provided via a portable lift. Please ask staff for assistance. The hot tub has zero entry access.
Access to the larger active swimming pool is provided via a built-in lift. Patrons using mobility devices can move their devices directly onto the lift. Remote control devices for operating the lift are also available for patrons. Before using and/or to sign-out a remote control, please ask staff for assistance. One waterproof wheelchair is available.
Accessible washroom stalls are available in each men’s and women’s washroom. There is also one stand-alone accessible universal washroom on both floors (first and second) of the Centre. The first level is kept locked for security reasons. Please ask staff for assistance. The second level washroom is unlocked at 9am. If you find this washroom locked, please notify staff. In the Universal Change Room area of the Pool, there are 3 accessible/family–style washrooms.
The Edmonds Centre for 55+ is included within the larger Recreation Centre. An accessible entrance is provided via the main doors of the Centre.
Edmonds Youth Lounge is part of the Community Centre. There is an external ramp which provides direct access from the plaza on the north side of the Community Centre. The washroom within the space is wheelchair accessible.