Adjudication process
The adjudication process may take months to finalize. Once you apply for an adjudication hearing, you can only cancel your application by paying your violation notice at any point before the hearing.
Keep in mind:
- The adjudicator has no authority to lower the penalty amount.
- A $25 administration fee is charged in addition to your ticket if upheld and the ticket amount will be at the full amount, not the reduced amount before the 15 day payment deadline.
- You must submit a separate application for each violation notice you choose to dispute.
- If you've paid the bylaw violation notice, it can't be taken to adjudication.
- A screening officer will review your ticket details and will contact you to discuss your application for adjudication. If the screener cancels your ticket, the adjudication process will not continue.
- An adjudication coordinator will mail you the date and time for your hearing. The City will present evidence at your adjudication hearing, including photos provided by the issuing officer.
- The City’s evidence package will be sent to you before the hearing for your review.
You can present your evidence in person, in writing or via phone for the adjudicator to consider.
- The adjudicator only decides whether or not you violated the bylaw as reported by the officer.
- The adjudicator will not consider personal circumstances.
- Adjudication hearings are open to the public.
Dispute a ticket
If you've received a bylaw notice, you can dispute it locally instead of going to a provincial court.
Dispute online or fill out and return an Adjudication Request Form located on the back of the violation notice. Return the form by time frame indicated on the front of the notice.
Dispute your ticket online
Or submit in person to Legislative Services Department, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby.
Pay violation notice
If you choose not to dispute your ticket, here are the payment options:
By mail:
Send cheque or money order to:
City of Burnaby – Revenue Services (Violation Payment)
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2
Pay by cash, cheque, credit card or Interac:
City Hall Cashier - Revenue Services
4949 Canada Way
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:45 pm
After-hours drop box:
Drop off payments by cheque or money order only in the City Hall main building collection box at the front and side entrances.
Please note: Reduced penalty if you pay within 15 days of the notice. Full penalty applies if you pay after 15 days.
Have questions? Contact us:
Adjudication hearing
Phone: 604-297-4919
Payment inquiries
Revenue Services – Violation payments
Phone: 604-294-7934
Mon-Fri: 8 am-4:45 pm
Other inquiries
Parking Enforcement
Phone: 604-294-7944
Mon-Fri: 7 am-6 pm
Phone: 604-570-3660
Sat-Sun: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Engineering Department
Phone: 604-294-7460
Mon-Fri: 8 am-4:45 pm
Licensing Department
Phone: 604-294-7320
Mon-Fri: 8 am-4:45 pm
Building Department
Phone: 604-294-7130
Mon-Fri: 8 am-4:45 pm
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Phone: 604-294-7450
Mon-Fri: 8 am-4:45 pm