Learn about the different kinds of approvals you need to develop or change land use in Burnaby
The planning division coordinates development applications, including those for rezoning, subdivision and preliminary plan approval (PPA). Submit your application to the planning division for review, including applications for a relaxation to the development setback required per the Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas Bylaw (Zoning Bylaw Section 6.23).
Phone: 604-294-7400
Email: planning@burnaby.ca
Submit development applications for single and two-family homes (with no associated rezoning, subdivision or PPA) to the building division.
Phone: 604-294-7130
Email: building@burnaby.ca
The climate action and energy division is responsible for ensuring development projects achieve the following:
- Protect and improve the health and quality of the environment.
- Ensure compliance with municipal standards, codes, bylaws and applicable provincial and federal regulations and acts for the following development applications: rezoning, subdivision/consolidation, strata title, preliminary plan approval, building plan, liquor licence application and the contaminated sites process (per the Environmental Management Act).
Additional requirements may be requested for review.
Phone: 604-294-7850
Email: climateactionandenergy@burnaby.ca
Additional requirements
Your land development must also be compliant with the following requirements:
In BC, the Provincial Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy manages contaminated sites per the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulations.
Per new changes by the Ministry of Environment, the City of Burnaby now requires a Site Disclosure Statement along with any Rezoning, Subdivision and Building Permit applications (except internal renovation) with current zoning of commercial and industrial sites (including non-conformant sites), or as requested by staff.
Helpful resources
- Environmental Management Act and Contaminate Sites Regulations - Legislation and Protocols - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
The City has policies to prevent silt-laden runoff in construction sites from entering the downstream drainage system and ending up in creeks and lakes.
All construction projects in Burnaby must contact the Engineering Department on whether a Erosion and Sediment Control Permit is required.
To preserve groundwater as a resource and prevent contamination, flooding and sanitary system overflow and groundwater flows must not enter the storm and sanitary sewer systems.
All development applications that involve constructing permanent structures below the water table, including perched, static and artesian aquifers, must include an assessment/investigation of the impact of the proposed activity on groundwater. You must also demonstrate that the proposed works will not impact neighbouring properties or the environment. You may need to include in-situ (in the original place) management of the groundwater and recommendations to address areas of uncertainty or concern.
Learn more about the requirements for groundwater management.
Multi-family residential, commercial, industrial and institutional complexes must meet the City's solid waste and recycling requirements.
Acoustical requirements address the growing population and densification of urban centres while ensuring the health and lifestyle concerns of the community.
Rezoning applications involving the construction of residential units or livable spaces must include an acoustical study of the sound implications at the proposed site. The building must comply with the acoustic engineer's recommendations.
Learn more about the acoustic requirements.
Green buildings
Buildings are a significant source of carbon emissions in Burnaby. To achieve our climate action targets, we are requiring new buildings to be energy-efficient and use low carbon energy sources.
Energy Step Code (ESC) and Zero Carbon Step Code (ZCSC) requirements for Part 3 and Part 9 buildings can be found in Section 9B of Burnaby’s Building Bylaw (view the consolidated version of the parent bylaw).
Current requirements from the Building Bylaw are summarized below.
New Part 3 Buildings (larger, more complex buildings)
For building permits submitted on or after July 1, 2024:
Energy Step Code, Step 2
- Buildings containing any of the major occupancies as set out in BC Building Code Division B, Part 10, Section 10.2.3 (including assembly, treatment, care, residential, business and personal service, and mercantile)
Zero Carbon Step Code, Emission Level (EL) 4
- Buildings containing any of a smaller subset of major occupancies as set out in BC Building Code, Division B, Part 10, Section 10.3 (including residential, business and personal services, and mercantile)
Special provision for in-stream rezoning applications
- Buildings applying for a building permit that were subject to a rezoning application that received second reading by December 31, 2023 are subject to ESC and carbon emission requirements as specified in City policies and the associated conditions of the Rezoning Bylaw, and not the amended Building Bylaw and EL 4, provided a complete building permit application is submitted and accepted by the City on or before December 31, 2026.
Exemption for meeting Zero Carbo Step Code requirement:
- For buildings connected to the Burnaby Mountain District Energy Utility, it is expected this exemption will remain in place until such time as the City of Burnaby establishes a suitable emissions level of the ZCSC for this pre-existing system. ESC still applies.
- Note: Buildings connecting to the future Burnaby District Energy Utility (BDEU) are not exempted from step codes. An Emissions Factor and related information for energy modeling and compliance with ESC and ZCSC is provided by the BDEU. Email districtenergy@burnaby.ca for more information.
Additional resources
For more information about compliance requirements as part of the building permit process, see the guide below.
For additional administrative requirements for Part 3 buildings related to ESC, ZCSC and green buildings, including information submissions as part of a rezoning application and post-occupancy energy reporting, see the document below:
As per the special provision for in-stream rezoning applications, older guideline documents applicable to in-stream rezoning applications that achieved second reading before December 31, 2023 are found below.
New Part 9 residential buildings (footprint of less than 600 sq. m, three storeys or less in building height)
Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code requirements as set out in the BC Building Code, Division B, Part 9.
Building permits submitted between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024
- Energy Step Code, Step 3
- Zero Carbon Step Code, Emission Level (EL) 3
Building permits submitted on or after January 1, 2025
- Energy Step Code, Step 3
- Zero Carbon Step Code, Emission Level (EL) 4
Additional resources
For information about compliance requirements as part of the building permit process, see the information guide below
Building permits submitted in 2023 or earlier were not subject to Zero Carbon Step Code and were subject to different Energy Step Code requirements. Please reach out to the Building Department for older requirements and in-stream applications.
Under the Zero Carbon Step Code, there are 2 compliance pathways for Part 9 buildings to choose from:
This approach requires the builder to declare the equipment the new home will use for space heating, hot water and cooking will use electric power. The mechanical systems and equipment selected for space heating and hot water cannot use fossil fuels at the Strong and Zero Carbon Performance steps. Cooktops which use fossil fuels are allowed at EL-3 - Strong Carbon Performance (Burnaby’s 2024 standard), but are not allowed at EL-4 - Zero Carbon Performance (Burnaby’s standard for 2025 and beyond) when following the prescriptive compliance pathway.
This approach uses energy modeling to demonstrate how the new home will meet a specific greenhouse gas intensity (GHGi) metric. As of January 2024, the model used for Part 9 buildings does not specifically disallow natural gas fireplaces or cooktops, so these amenities are still possible to have installed in a home which meets both EL-3 Strong and EL-4 Zero Carbon Performance.
Under the performance-based pathway, an energy modeling exercise demonstrates the expected amount of greenhouse gases a building will emit on a floor area basis per year, expressed as a GHGi metric. The model considers sources of energy (natural gas versus electric), along with the building’s mechanical systems and equipment for space heating and cooling, ventilation, hot water and cooking. Higher ‘steps’ or Emission Levels of the Zero Carbon Step Code require less GHGi. While the allowable amount under EL-4 Zero Carbon Performance is the lowest, it is still larger than zero- this reflects that while BC’s electricity grid is very low-emissions, all sources of power emit some small amount of GHGs.
About the Zero Carbon Step Code
The Zero Carbon Step Code (ZCSC) was introduced into the BC Building Code on May 1, 2023, providing a tool for local governments to reduce operational carbon emissions from newly-constructed buildings. Burnaby is adopting the ZCSC ahead of the province's planned schedule to help meet our Climate Action goals.
The ZCSC and Energy Step Code (ESC) are distinct components of the BC Building Code. The ESC addresses the energy efficiency of buildings, with higher steps resulting in less energy necessary to operate the building. The ZCSC specifies limits on carbon emissions from the energy used to operate the building. These 2 codes work together. The ZCSC requires new construction to use zero-emissions energy sources rather than fossil fuels for space heating and hot water (and in some cases cooking) and the ESC supports more efficient buildings that consume less energy, resulting in many benefits, including lower energy bills.
How does it work?
ZCSC is based on the following performance tiers:
- Measure-only (Emission Level 1 or EL-1) – requires measurement of a building’s emissions without requiring reductions.
- Moderate Carbon (Emission Level 2 or EL-2) – generally requires either space heating or domestic hot water systems use zero-emissions energy sources.
- Strong Carbon (Emission Level 3 or EL-3) – generally requires both space heating and domestic hot water systems use zero-emissions energy sources.
- Zero Carbon (Emission Level 4 or EL-4) – generally requires all systems in a building use zero-emissions energy sources.
Buildings regulated by ZCSC fall into 2 categories of the BC Building Code:
- Part 9 of the code outlines requirements for smaller and simpler residential buildings, generally 3 storeys or lower, 600m2 footprint or smaller.
- Part 3 of the building code addresses larger more complex buildings. These buildings are larger than 3 storeys and/or 600m2.
Like the ESC, compliance for the ZCSC is based on energy modelling. The BC Building Code sets the maximum modelled greenhouse gas emissions for each Emission Level. Details of the requirements to meet each Emission Level can be found in the updated convenience copy of the BC Building Code changes.
The Province has signaled intent to incrementally increase ZCSC performance in future BC Building Code updates to meet the Province’s CleanBC target of zero-carbon operations new buildings by 2030.