Fees, Charges and Penalties

Property-related fees and charges

Managing your property and the obligations that go with it can present some challenges. However, it's still your responsibility to pay for police false alarm call-outs, taxes and utilities on time. As a City, Burnaby is obligated by law to charge property owners with fines and penalties when these obligations aren't met.

We also offer a number of property-related services with fees.

Police false alarms

New! You can now pay your police false alarm fees online with your credit card.

Please note: Credit card payments are only accepted online (not in person) and a non-refundable 1.75% convenience fee will be added to the total amount.

False alarm fees are charged according to the Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw. False alarm charges that haven't been paid by December 31 in the year they occurred will be transferred to property taxes as arrears, and will be subject to daily interest.

Number of false alarm incidents (FAL)

FAL Fee (charge per incident)

1st false alarms Free
2nd false alarm Free
3rd false alarm $150
4th false alarm $150
5th and each subsequent false alarm $300

Taxes and utilities

Utilities discounted amounts

Utility notices are payable by the annual March due date if you want to be eligible for the discounted amount. Partial payments don't receive a discount. If your utilities fees aren't paid by December 31, they will be transferred to property taxes as an arrears balance and daily interest will apply until payment is received.

Learn how to pay your utility fee 

Property tax penalties

A 5% penalty is applied to outstanding current taxes and/or an unclaimed home owner grant after the July due date; and an additional 5% penalty will be applied after the September due date to outstanding current taxes.

The City has no authority to either waive or modify these penalty amounts. A payment or home owner grant that is even one day late is subject to the full amount of the penalty. 

Learn how to pay your property tax 

Services that require a fee

Check the Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw for the specific amount for each of these fees:

Tax certificates 

  • Tax certificate are generated in digital format from APIC. APIC charges an admin fee to offer this service.
  • If you have ordered a paper copy of a tax certificate, it will be issued at Revenue Services and you can pick it up there.

Dishonoured cheque processing fee

  • A dishonoured payment constitutes non-payment and will be subject to a service charge for each dishonoured payment.

Refund processing fee

  • Any refund requested by the payee has a service charge.

Mortgage processing fee

  • There is a fee for each property folio requested.

Apportionments fee

  • There is a fee applied to each parcel.

Historical tax information fee

  • The City charges an hourly rate to search historical tax information for a property.
  • Please note: This tax search request must be requested by the owner.

Contact us

Revenue Services - Property Tax and Utilities (formerly Tax Office)

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