Learn how you can request changes to your street or lane and improve your neighbourhood
The City upgrades streets and builds new sidewalks across the community. New sidewalks are prioritized closer to to schools, parks, community centres and transit facilities, and on streets that already have curbs. Underground utility works and deteriorated pavement conditions are important factors for full street upgrades.
Residents have an option to fast track an upgrade project that is not included in the City's near-term Capital Program. It is called the Local Area Service Program (LASP). LASP is a cost-sharing program benefitting homeowners in a particular area of the City. LASP projects require a petition supported by homeowners along the street of interest.
LASP projects may include:
- complete street upgrade with new pavement curbing, landscaped boulevard, paved parking area, street trees and sidewalks
- sidewalks only
- street lights
- public lane paving
- street trees (new and replacement)
The City can initiate specific LASP projects, but residents mostly request these projects using a petition process.
LASP process
A LASP project may take 1-3 years, from initiation to construction to payment.
As an owner whose property borders the proposed improvements, you can initiate the project by making a formal written request via a letter or email to the local improvements clerk. You can request projects at any time during the year but May 31 is the cut-off date for design and construction to occur the following year.
The Engineering Department reviews the street to determine if the requested work qualifies and if the proposed improvements are feasible. The department reviews the driveways for residential street upgrade and sidewalk construction projects and flags any unauthorized ones.
The City sends a petition letter (typically in August or September) to every registered property owner on the street with:
- information on the proposed LASP work and associated costs
- petition form for signature
If you support the petition, you'll be given 30 calendar days to submit your petition forms. At least 50% of the benefiting property owners, representing a minimum of 50% of the assessed land value and improvements, must sign the petition.
All property owners can inquire about the petition's outcome within 14 calendar days of the deadline. After 14 calendar days, results will be presented to the council.
The council reviews the results of the LASP petition and makes recommendations about the project.
Construction and expenditure bylaws with details of the successful petitions are presented to the council for approval.
After the council approves, the project begins. Construction takes place during the following year's construction season. Before any work starts, the street's residents get notices about the upcoming construction.
Once the construction is over, the City collects a lump sum or yearly payments from all the property owners on the street. The lump sum or first annual charge will appear on the property tax statement the year after the construction is complete. To avoid interest charges, you may make a lump sum payment by the first tax billing year's due date or pay the remaining balance in any subsequent year.
What are the costs?
The City and the property owners share the LASP costs. The property owner's cost is based on standard LASP rates multiplied by the width of the assessed property frontage. To ensure fairness there are special considerations for calculating the cost-share for triangular and irregular lots.
Standard LASP rates have been calculated using historical construction costs of standard projects. It is located in Schedule C4 of the Local Improvement Charges Bylaw within the Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw. If actual expenses exceed the standard project costs, the City will cover the excess costs. All projects are jointly funded by the City (70%) and the property owners (30%). However, the actual owner cost the City recovers may vary from project to project, based on the final frontage calculations.
Parcel tax roll review
As a property owner, you may submit a complaint to the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel and contest the LASP charges. The panel meets annually and consists of council and staff from the Engineering, Finance and Legislative Services departments.
Questions and answers
City infrastructure, including road pavement, curb and gutter, street trees and sidewalks, will be designed to fit within the City property. An approximate view of property line locations is available on BurnabyMap.
The City's street standard includes (from the centre of the street outward):
- 8.5m (or 11.0m) asphalt
- concrete curb and gutter
- 1.5m grass boulevard with street trees
- a minimum 1.8m concrete sidewalk
- grass surface to the property line
Sidewalks will be separated from the road by a boulevard unless it's not feasible in the design. All improvements will be completed within the City right of way.
The City's back lane standard includes:
- 4.5m (or 6.0m) asphalt pavement, centred along the lane right of way
- asphalt drainage curb, as required
- crushed gravel or grass surface to the property line
We'll remove any landscaping, fences or other items on City property to facilitate construction. You may salvage and remove any items from City property before the construction project begins.
The City will try to retain as many healthy and desirable trees as possible. The City arborist will help assess the feasibility of keeping existing trees.
For street upgrade and tree planting LASP projects, we will plant new street trees on City property along the boulevard. The City arborist will select the tree species for the street and mark locations for new trees before planting. We'll notify you in advance.
Most of the existing retaining walls will either remain or be relocated. The City will assess all properties to determine if retaining walls are required.
We'll replace all authorized driveways with concrete driveway letdowns. The City will remove any unauthorized driveways that don't lead to a legal parking space. We'll notify you about any changes to your driveways in advance.
The schedule varies depending on the scope of work. Once the council approves the project, the design begins in the first year and construction may follow within the next 1-3 years depending on the scope of work and required coordination with other utility works. Street upgrades usually take 8 to 12 weeks per block.
It may occur in some cases. For instance, to address grade changes along front lawns and driveways. A professional engineer will review and design each location. We'll notify you before any work takes place on private property.
BC Hydro manages all the power poles. Therefore, City street upgrade projects don't include undergrounding of power poles. In some cases, power poles may be relocated or power lines may be raised.
Have questions? Contact us:
Program information and application or construction and design details
Engineering Department
Petition requirements and process
Legislative Services
Payment enquiries
Tax Department
Boulevard trees
Project enquiries