Watering Restrictions

Learn about Burnaby's watering restrictions and how they apply to you.

Stage 1 watering restrictions are in effect from May 1 to October 15. These restrictions help us use our drinking water wisely and ensure we have a regular supply throughout the year.

You can find the full details of water use regulations for Stages 1 to 4 in Metro Vancouver's Drinking Water Conservation Plan, which helps manage:

  • drinking water supply during summer when rainfall is low and demand is high
  • water shortages during unforeseen emergencies (e.g. earthquake, service disruptions)
  • limited storage capacity of reservoirs
  • increased demand due to continued population and industrial growth

Stage 1

During Stage 1 restrictions, you can water your lawns with a sprinkler, handheld hose or drip irrigation once a week only. All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.

If there's a violation during this phase, it may result in a $150 fine.


  • Even-numbered addresses: Saturdays between 5-7 am for automatic watering and 6-9 am for manual watering.
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Sundays between 5-7 am for automatic watering and 6-9 am for manual watering.
  • Water flowers, planters, shrubs, and trees:
    • any day between 5-9 am using a sprinkler.
    • any day at any time using a handheld hose or drip irrigation.


  • Even-numbered addresses: Mondays between 4-6 am for automatic watering and 6-9 am for manual watering.
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesdays between 4-6 am for automatic watering and 6-9 am for manual watering.
  • Water flowers, planters, shrubs, and trees:
    • any day between 4-9 am using a sprinkler.
    • any day at any time using a handheld hose or drip irrigation.

Mixed-use buildings with residential and commercial units must follow watering times and regulations that apply to non-residential addresses.

Read Metro Vancouver's Drinking Water Conservation Plan to learn more.

Fines and reporting violations

Watering outside the allowed days and times will result in the following penalties:

  • Stage 1: $150
  • Stage 2: $250
  • Stage 3: $350
  • Stage 4: $500

To report lawn watering violations, fill out the online form linked below or call the Water Conservation Officers at 604-293-6528.

Report lawn watering violations

Lawn watering exemption permits

The City offers special exemption permits for new lawns (newly seeded, sodded or turfed) or lawns using nematode treatments to control European Chafer Beetles.

BTG (Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae) products don't qualify for exemption permits.

Permit requirements

New lawns may need more water than allowed under the watering regulations. We don't issue exemption permits when stage 2, 3 or 4 restrictions are in effect. However, if you have applied for a permit during stage 1, your permit will still be valid during stage 2 restrictions.

If you're applying for an exemption permit, remember:

  • You must show the current date on the purchase receipt for lawn seed, sod, turf or nematode.
  • Your permit will be valid for 21 consecutive days from the permit start date.
  • You must pay the $62.40 fee (includes taxes) before we can issue a permit.
  • The permit is free when it's for treating European chafer beetles.
  • Residential properties: you can use your permit for 21 consecutive days, i.e. from Mon-Sun between 5-9 am.
  • Commercial properties: you can use your permit for 21 consecutive days, i.e. from Mon-Fri between 4-9 am.
  • After issuing an exemption, City staff will visit the site for inspection.

How to apply for an exemption permit

  • Apply for a lawn watering permit through our online portal
  • It may take up to 3 working days to process your application.
  • We accept credit, debit, cash or cheque payments. We charge a credit card fee of 1.75% per the City of Burnaby Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640. 
  • Email [email protected] if you have any questions.

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