I was elected on June 26, 2021 and since then, I have been fighting for more affordable housing, climate justice, improving transportation options and traffic safety, and building a city that is more equitable, resilient, inclusive and vibrant. I am passionate about smart urban planning, identifying gaps in systems and policies and work to address them, and rebuilding politics to center compassion and care as the foundation.
I am a current Burnaby City Councillor serving my second term. I was born and raised in Burnaby, attending Cascade Heights Elementary and later Burnaby North Secondary. After graduating in 2014 as Valedictorian, I attended McGill University on a full-ride scholarship and studied public health with a focus on environment and active transportation.
In 2017, I cycled from Ottawa to Burnaby to protest against the Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline project while fundraising for the legal fees of the Tsleil-Waututh, Squamish, Coldwater, and Secwépemc First Nations. I started in Ottawa, where the federal government decided to proceed with the pipeline, and ended in Burnaby, where the pipeline's terminal and tank farm are – and where community safety would be most impacted.
During my time at McGill, I kept a full-time course load, worked two jobs, and maintained the grades needed to keep my scholarship. I worked as a Residence Advisor, and as the Students’ Society Environment Commissioner. Within the latter role, I wrote and implemented comprehensive sustainability policies, consulted on multiple task forces, chaired the Environment Committee, and organized a climate strike.
After graduating, I was 1 of 5 people accepted out of over 300 in Canada to the GreenPAC internship. Through this internship, I worked for federal MP Richard Cannings on Parliament Hill. His role as shadow critic for natural resources helped me understand how to implement a just transition for workers, use natural resources more sustainably and expedite our climate goals. After my internship, federal MP Jenica Atwins hired me to assist her with policy and communications work.
Later I worked for provincial MLA Anne Kang as her constituency assistant. I served the constituents of Burnaby-Deer Lake by helping them connect with and navigate local government services.
I am currently completing my Master’s at SFU in their Resource and Environmental Management Program. My research focuses on how to generate more public benefit through climate action, using the City of Burnaby as a case study.
I speak Mandarin and French as second and third languages.
My priorities are on climate change, affordable housing, transportation and equity. Some of my accomplishments thus far have been:
- Zero Carbon Step Code – accelerated decarbonization of buildings
- Original staff proposal: Part 3 - none; Part 9: EL-2 (decarbonizing space heating) by Jan 1, 2024
- Passed amendment: Part 3 - EL 4 (decarbonizing space, water, and cooking) by Jan 1, 2024; Part 9: EL-3 (decarbonizing space, water) by Jan 1, 2024 and EL-4 (all) by Jan 1, 2025
- District energy - community financing model or cooperative to allow BC residents, First Nations, pension funds, credit unions, and other municipalities, to invest in the Burnaby DE (South Burnaby)
- establish policy and incentives for district energy systems for North Burnaby
- pedestrian infrastructure improvements at intersections with 5 or more casualties between 2018-2022 – resulted in 76 short-term, medium-term and long-term identified improvements to 17 intersections
- Cariboo Heights Forest - spearheaded full protection of large forest from development (2022-2023)
- Child care – establishment of design principles and guidelines that facilitate quality child care and are not a barrier to the addition of new spaces for city-funded child care – resulted in this policy being developed
- Bus rapid transit – amendment to ensure two routes considered by Translink to make best decision possible
- Affordable housing – 4 amendments to increase affordable housing percentages, consider other tools to lower the cost of housing and ensure equitable policy that supports the lowest-income neighbourhood
- GBA+ approach to improve equity in neighbourhood planning and OCP planning motion → all planners were trained in GBA+ and principles of equity
- Motion to directing staff to explore and implement tools to protect tenants from development-induced displacement in secondary rentals city-wide
- Safe school streets - closing down street in front of elementary school for 1 week pilot project grant. Successfully passed motion at Council and successfully applied for grant
- Motion for physical infrastructure improvements to cycling infrastructure along Gilmore MUP (construction complete), worked with staff to identify and address physical infrastructure deficits along Central Valley Greenway (construction complete)
- Motion for all climate policy to include an equity lens and for nature-based solutions to be prioritized
- successfully advocated for our demolition diversion policy to include an equity lens for the purposes of fairness and to establish an economic incentive for diverting demolished housing materials from the landfill
- co-wrote and passed a motion to align our tree bylaw with our tree canopy and climate targets
- passed a motion to ensure that Burnaby’s climate plans and policies include an equity and reconciliation lens
- advocated within the Mayor’s Taskforce on Retrofitting for a neighbourhood-approach in order to economize materials and support good and stable work
- passed a motion to prioritize nature-based solutions – which help to simultaneously fight climate change, adapt to the impacts of climate change we’re already experiencing, promote mental health, and create an enjoyable and healthy city
- Chair, Social Planning Committee
- Vice-Chair, Burnaby Housing Authority
- Vice Chair, Audit Committee
- Vice-Chair, Financial Management Committee
- Member, Environment Committee
- Member, Planning and Development Committee
- Member, Metro Vancouver Climate Action Committee
- Member, Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel
- Member, Simon Fraser Liaison Committee
- Alternate Director, Metro Vancouver Regional District Board
- Vice-Chair, Financial Management Committee
- Member, Traffic Safety Committee
- Member, Audit Committee
- Member, Metro Vancouver Indigenous Relations Committee
- Member, International Relations and Friendship Cities Committee
- Council Representative, Mayor’s Taskforce on Urban Resilient Futures (Retrofitting)
- Council Representative, Burnaby Public Library Board
- Queen’s Platinum Jubliee Pin and Award (2022)
- Top 25 under 25 Environmentalist (2020)
- Adriano Tassone Research Award (McGill University)
- Greville Smith Prestige Scholarship at McGill University ($40,000)
- National AP Scholar (2014), AP Scholar (2013)
- Valedictorian, Burnaby North Secondary (2014)
- Award of Merit for Community Leadership - TD (2014)