Quadplex – Leckie Studio

Additional information
Energy considerations
The design has been modelled to meet BC Energy Step Code 3, Climate Zone 4, but the design can be easily modified to meet Step Code 4 by adding an additional 1.5” of optional exterior rigid insulation. The current wall assembly thickness and building footprint already factor in this additional thickness. The design is well-suited for zero-carbon, as it assumes all-electric heating/cooling, hot water and ventilation.
The orientation and staggering of the units minimise overlook to adjacent properties while providing a private outdoor space for each unit. Windows close to the property lines are limited to hallways and stairs where privacy is less of a concern, and the sill height is raised in order to minimise visual connections with adjacent properties. The side yard windows can be easily frosted if desired. Each unit’s private yard spaces are intended to be screened for privacy using vegetation and/or landscape screening elements in conformance with 6.15 of the Burnaby Zoning Bylaw.
Due to the 3-storey nature of the design, these units are not particularly suitable for adaptable modifications. However, the main floor can be constructed to be adaptable for visitors.
Green building and passive homes
The design can be easily modified to meet Step Code 4 by adding an additional 1.5” of optional exterior rigid insulation. The current wall assembly thickness and building footprint already factor in this additional thickness. The design assumes light timber construction as it is the commonly accepted method of building, but the modular nature of the designs will allow for pre-fabrication. The design is well-suited for zero-carbon, as it assumes all-electric heating/cooling, hot water and ventilation.
Design customizability
Residential design can be a highly personal endeavour and this quadplex has been designed to be as customizable as possible. The design can be modified to utilize 4 different roof shapes, both for aesthetic preference, and to better reflect site-specific neighbourhood character. The standard wall and roof assemblies are designed to accommodate a variety of cladding materials that are aesthetically unique and allow developers and owners to prioritise budget, maintenance, combustibility, and durability as they see fit. The Buyers Guide illustrates some of the potential cladding options, and builders may choose any exterior finish that can be installed within the ¾” cladding allowance in the wall assembly, including vinyl or heat-treated wood.
Bicycle parking
Space for an optional secure bicycle box for 4 bicycles has been provided at the rear of the property.
Four parking stalls are provided at the rear lane, but the design can be flipped in situations where no rear lane is available. The rear elevation of the building is designed to minimise overlook of parking, and landscaping is used to create visual separation for the rear unit.
Garbage storage access
A covered waste and recycling area is provided at the rear of the property adjacent to parking.