Permits & Applications

Apply for your permits

Find all the information you need to apply for your permits below. Can't find what you're looking for? Visit our related links or contact the department directly for assistance.

Need to pay an invoice?

Pay your building, engineering and planning invoices online by credit card on

Check for unclaimed funds

The City may hold unclaimed funds such as refundable deposits or account adjustments from individuals, businesses or developers. View our unclaimed funds database

For low-hazard fireworks, including firework showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn light, pin wheel, Roman candles, volcanoes, sparklers, Christmas crackers and caps for toy guns.

Additional information:

Fees: $110 (GST Exempt)

Send completed permit application to [email protected] for processing, or mail directly to the Administration Office (4867 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby, BC  V5E 2S9). 

Payment can be made in the form of cheque only; any payment drop-off must be scheduled in advance through the Fire Administration Office.


[email protected]

General inquiries

For any project work in or abutting a street, boulevard, alley, sidewalk, park, terrace, or other property controlled or owned by the City (including right-of-ways). 

This work may include, but is not limited to geotechnical or environmental investigations, installations, repairs, maintenance and investigation of a test pit, monitoring well, borehole, vacuum-hole, minor excavation or any other non-intrusive work on City property.

A complete application should include

  • Application form: all sections in the application form are filled out and is signed & dated 
  • Cover page: includes detailed contact information, project scope, proposed work dates
  • Design drawing of proposed work: includes location address or intersection. Plan view scale at 1:250 for utility congested areas. 
  • Pavement restoration plan for small excavations following the City of Burnaby Pavement Restoration Policy. 
  • Certificate of insurance: includes City of Burnaby as co-insured and has policy expiry date. Use the City of Burnaby prefilled Certificate of Insurance standards form for basic or sensitive utilities. 
  • Traffic control permit: includes permit # (if applicable)

Applies to project related work subject to Section 15(1) of the Noise or Sound Abatement Bylaw. Under this bylaw, construction noise or construction-related activities are permitted:

  • Monday to Friday between 7 am to 8 pm
  • Saturday between 9 am to 8 pm

Where it is impossible or impracticable to comply with Section 15(1) of the Noise or Sound Abatement Bylaw, a Noise Variance request may be considered. 

Noise Variances are not provided for parties, gatherings or concerts.

A complete application should include:

  • Online application form: all sections in the application form are accurately filled out with details pertaining to the rationale of the variance request, equipment, anticipated decibel levels and noise mitigation measures.
  • Draft notice to be distributed to the businesses/residents in the neighborhood adjacent to the proposed work area. Notices are required to be distributed minimum 72 hours before commencement of the work.
  • Map outlining where the notices will be distributed (e.g. 1 city block circumference around the proposed work area).
  • Associated Traffic Control Permit # (if applicable) – include in additional comments.
  • Project name (if applicable) – include in additional comments.

Noise Variance requests require 7 full business days to review once all pertinent information is received. 

Vehicles exceeding 20 metres in length, or 2.6 metres in width, require an oversize load permit. 

For plumbing contractors undertaking all plumbing work for residential or commercial sites. 

  • If this work is for a commercial site an issued building permit is required and a plumbing fixture spec sheet count is available, please contact [email protected] to request a copy of the spec sheet prior to applying for your permit. 
  • Homeowner permits are only permitting for existing single-family dwellings and the permit application must include a Homeowner’s Declaration.

For change of use, building addition or changes to external appearance proposed for a property. A Preliminary Plan Approval is an approval granted by the Director Planning and Building ensuring compliance with the Zoning Bylaw. 

For property owners wanting to use or develop their land in a way that is not permitted under the present zoning. 

If you have an Easement or Right Of Way on your property and the utilities related to the Right of Way have been removed, you can apply to have the restrictions formally released. Contact us for information on how to apply. 

For buildings with newly designed structures that require existing service connections to be adjusted. 

New! You can now apply for your Service Connection Adjustment Application online by logging into My Permits Portal.

If you need assistance with this new process or with your My Permits Portal account, please reach out to the Engineering Department. 

Additional Information:

Older/original homes were serviced by connections to City sewers that were appropriate for that time. Many new homes are being designed with basements in mind, which results in the need for deeper foundations. Service connections may need to be adjusted either by increasing their depth, or their location.

Before a building design is completed/approved, the designer/owner/builder should find out if the existing service connection(s) and location of connection(s) meets the newly designed structure. 

For a property to be connected to a sewer. This is a bylaw requirement. Contact us for information and how to apply.

For any structure or advertising device, visible from any street that is used to attract the attention of the general public. Signs can be placed in a variety of locations such as on an awning, canopy, face of a building (fascia), roof, window or on their own as a free-standing sign.

Please contact the Planning Department to speak to a Sign Bylaw Technician before getting started. 

For soil to be imported from an outside location and placed on a site within Burnaby.

For soil to be removed from a location within Burnaby. 

For doing work on City-owned roads. Use this application if you are an owner or contractor and are going to perform civil construction, such as installing concrete assets like a sidewalk / connector walk or curb and gutters.

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