Everything you need to know to build new homes in Burnaby
Building a new house or small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) on private property requires several approvals and permits to ensure that the construction meets City requirements and all other applicable laws, and is built to be safe and as approved. The number of dwelling units permissible depends on the lot area and proximity to a frequent transit network bus stop.
Your Building Permit will be issued only when you have met all necessary requirements from the City and all fees have been paid. Wait time will depend on the volume of applications and the application, payment and processing of any additional permits you need.
Housing Design Library
Discover Burnaby’s new Housing Design Library—an online gallery of small-scale multi-unit home designs. Connect with reputable designers and streamline the design and permitting process!
Steps to building a new house
Before you begin, its’s helpful to understand the process and steps involved, the requirements for a complete application, required approvals and inspections along the way.
The process for obtaining a residential Building Permit to construct 3 to 6 dwelling units on all lots zoned R1 is described below. Steps 1, 2, 4 and 5 are the same for all application types. Step 3 is specific to the type of development and form you are considering. The following forms may be constructed on a lot, with or without a secondary suite:
- Single-family homes and duplexes (Step 3a)
- Two residential buildings on a lot (Step 3b)
- Multiplexes–buildings with 3 or more primary units (Step 3c)
- Cottage courts or cottage clusters–multiple single-family homes on the same lot (Step 3d)
- Rowhouses (Step 3e)
- Part 3 buildings exceeding 3 storeys above grade or greater than 600m2 (Step 3f)
- Apartment style building or buildings with common underground parking (Step 3g)
Review the document below for more information on housing options on R1 lots.
Accelerate your single-family dwelling permit application with eCheck
Our pilot program for eCheck, a digital building plan review tool, is now available! If you’re building a single-family dwelling without a suite, and with or without a laneway home (rear principal building), you can opt in to our pilot program to finish your design review faster. Find out more.
Prepare and plan
Knowing the unique characteristics of your property including the zoning regulations that apply to it, and any other applicable conditions will better assist you as you plan your project.
Use BurnabyMap to confirm your property’s zoning and what rules apply
- enter your property’s address in the search field on the right
- the property’s current characteristics including zoning are highlighted
- select the zone for details of what rules apply including: minimum lot dimensions, lot area and coverage, height, depth and placement of buildings on the property
- note: the "Maximum SSMUH Residential Units Per Legal Lot” refers to the total number of all units (primary and secondary) for the lot
Be aware of any constraints or encumbrances that apply to your property
- easements or rights-of-way where someone else has a right to cross or use your land for a specific purpose
- information can be obtained through The Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA)
- environmental constraints such as setbacks for Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas (SPEA’s)
- heritage status as flagged within BurnabyMap
- proximity to a registered Archeological site with requirements under the Province of BC’s Heritage Conservation Act
- presence of an underground storage tank onsite that requires removal
- land use permits issued by the City, such as development variance permits, temporary use permits and development permits
- information can be obtained through The Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA)
- restrictive covenants
- seek legal advice on the impact of restrictive covenants noted on title, if applicable. A Declaration Letter may be required prior to Building Permit issuance.
Please note: If there is an existing house on the property, you will also need to apply for a demolition permit which incudes a waste diversion plan.
Good planning will ensure your project moves through the review process smoothly and quickly, without any serious conflicts with bylaws and regulations. Determine the number of dwelling units allowable per the Zoning Bylaw and any constraints noted in Step 1. Plus, consider the following:
- Tree protection: Design and location of buildings should prioritize the protection and preservation of healthy trees, both on-site and off-site. City trees are addressed during a referral process in Step 2b of the Engineering Pre-Application phase with Treeline in Parks Forestry.
- Contact [email protected] to discuss any trees that may be affected by development prior to submitting your Engineering pre-application. This will help streamline your application process, ensure significant trees are identified for protection, and clarify potential tree replacement requirements before making substantial and costly decisions related to your site plan, off-site package and overall design.
- Ensure that driveways, paving, construction activities and utility connections are situated outside designated tree protection areas.
- Where tree removal is necessary, replacement trees must comply with the City of Burnaby's Tree Bylaw requirements. Trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan.
- Note: You don’t need to apply for a tree permit separately; it will be automatically generated during your application process.
- The guidelines below will provide assistance in planning for an appropriate number and types of trees when planning your project:
- Electrical service: Electrical capacity upgrades may be required to provide services to new households in various areas of the city.
- BC Hydro may require a transformer to support increased service demand from the addition of more units on a site. BC Hydro must evaluate the service level currently available in the block before determining if the additional load demand from a new project may be serviced by existing infrastructure, or if a new transformer is needed on site to support the project.
- To provide clarity around this process, a development condition to reserve space on site for a transformer will be placed at the time of application for projects with more than 3 dwelling units. This includes all duplexes with secondary suites, all single detached houses with secondary suites in conjunction with a laneway house, and all multiplexes.
- It is your responsibility to contact BC Hydro before submitting a development application to determine your proposal conforms to setbacks to existing pole-mounted transformers and request an evaluation of the proposed service load -and size to confirm if a new transformer is required.
- An applicant can initiate this review by visiting My Hydro or calling My Hydro Connect at 1-877-520-1355.
- BC Hydro Resource: My Hydro Website and My Hydro Guide
- Stratification: Lots in the R1 SSMUH District with 2 or more primary dwelling units are eligible for stratification. However, dwelling units classified as secondary suites under the BC Building Code must remain registered under the same title as the primary dwelling unit in which they’re contained and so cannot be stratified.
- Waste Collection: SSMUH applications should consider where garbage and recycling bins will be stored onsite, and the collection point where garbage service will be provided. Multiplexes, cottage courts or cottage clusters and rowhouse applications will need to demonstrate how the development proposal will meet the requirements for onsite garbage and recycling regulations.
We recommend that you engage a qualified design professional to navigate the process as designing a new house can be complicated. Certain property attributes and regulations can add complexity to the design process, and site specific anomalies may require an alternate process to resolve.
Applicants will need to first obtain Engineering pre-application approvals before submitting a building application. This guide outlines all the requirements of this process.
You must also review the Engineering guides below for important information about the Engineering review process.
For single family, duplex and triplex:
For 4 or more primary dwelling units:
- Effective September 30, 2024, the City has adopted amendments to the Subdivision Control and Development Servicing Bylaw. Please refer to the Servicing Improvements Guide linked above for the changes. Refer to Zoning Bylaw Rewrite for definition of primary and secondary dwelling units.
You can apply for your Engineering pre-application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
A completed Engineering Pre-Application package consists of:
- Fee Payment
Please note:
- Due to the large volume of pre-applications received by the City, wait times for review are approximately 15 business days before completion.
- The details of what is required for both the topographical survey and the proposed driveway location drawing are included in the hyperlinks above. As these are different from what the Building Department has previously required, please carefully review prior to submission.
When the Engineering review is complete, you will be issued the Engineering Pre-Application Review Report that will be part of your Building Permit Application.
Prepare your Building Permit Application
The information from the Engineering Pre-Approval Report will inform your building design. When you are ready to submit the Building Permit Application, ensure that you are not missing any documents listed in the submission checklist for the appropriate building permit type. Incomplete packages will not be accepted, and missing information will impact the review and approval process.
With the pre-approvals in place, you can now apply for the Building Permit.
If offsite servicing requirements are identified in the Pre-Approval Report, a set of complete offsite signed and sealed design drawings and a construction cost estimate by an EGBC registered civil consultant are required for your Building Permit application. The Building Permit issuance is subject to the acceptance of the offsite drawings, payment of securities and registration of servicing agreement. Please find below the link to the City design standards
Apply for your Building Permit
If you are considering constructing any of the following, please use this application:
- a single family home with or without a secondary unit
- a duplex with or without secondary units
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your Single-Family and Duplex Dwellings Application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed Single-Family and Duplex Dwellings Application Package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
If you are considering construction of 2 residential buildings on a lot, adding a second residential building to a lot that already has an existing residential building or require more than 200 amps electrical service for the site, please use this application.
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed application package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
*Hardcopy submissions must be complete including all documents and drawings with original signatures, seal and dates.
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
If you wish to construct a multiplex (a building with 3 or more primary units), please use this application.
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed application package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
*Hardcopy submissions must be complete including all documents and drawings with original signatures, seal and dates.
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
If you are considering constructing cottage courts or cottage clusters which includes 3 or more residential buildings on the same lot, please use this application. This application type will need to demonstrate how on-site civil servicing will be provided, for review by the Plumbing Section.
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed application package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
*Hardcopy submissions must be complete including all documents and drawings with original signatures, seal and dates.
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
In Burnaby, a rowhouse dwelling is one of at least 2 side-by-side dwelling units, each sharing a party wall with the adjoining unit and each unit being located on a separate fee simple lot.
Prior to applying for a building permit for rowhouses, subdivision conditions must be met. For more information, visit our Subdivision webpage.
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed application package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
*Hardcopy submissions must be complete including all documents and drawings with original signatures, seal and dates.
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
If you are considering constructing a BCBC Part 3 Building exceeding 3 storeys above grade or greater than 600m2, please use this application.
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed application package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
*Hardcopy submissions must be complete including all documents and drawings with original signatures, seal and dates.
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
If you are considering an apartment style building, or any R1 building with a common underground parking structure, or shared corridor stairs or entrance under BCBC Part 9 please use this application. If you intend to design under the BCBC Part 3, please see step 3f above for requirements.
Submit a completed Building Permit Application
The application package below includes all the requirements including drawings, forms and documents you need to submit a complete application.
You can apply for your application online and submit all required documents by logging into My Permits Portal:
Or submit the completed application package in person at the Building Division front counter (2nd floor of City Hall), including the following documents:
- *required for all demolition permits
- trees for retention and replacement are required to be shown on the site plan
*Hardcopy submissions must be complete including all documents and drawings with original signatures, seal and dates.
How to pay
Effective July 1, 2024 development and amenity cost charges will be collected when a building permit is issued, with the exception of where they are collected at the time of subdivision. For more information and rates please visit our Development Funding Program page.
Full payment of fees must be made at the time of application. Fees can be paid directly in My Permits Portal, or you can pay invoices online with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or in-person with cash, cheque or debit card. Per the City's Fee Recovery Bylaw 13640, we'll charge a fee of 1.75% on payments made with a credit card.
Application Review
City staff teams will review all completed development applications and building plans and will:
- provide you with a list of any deficiencies, conditions and items to be addressed before a permit can be issued
- advise you of any payments related to development and amenity cost charges, damage deposit and engineering servicing fees
Permits will only be issued when all necessary requirements from the City have been met, and all fees have been paid.
Permit Approval
When your building permit is ready to be issued, staff will notify you by email with instructions to pickup, or download and print your permit(s) and approved drawings.
Please note: one paper set of City-approved drawings (full-sized and to scale), displaying the City accepted stamp, needs to be made available for viewing at the jobsite for City inspectors. If the City accepted stamp is missing, or the paper set isn’t at the jobsite, you will be required to reschedule your inspection and may be subject to a re-inspection fee.
Changes or revisions
Changes and revisions can be submitted at various stages of the process, but will have an impact on processing times and issuance of permits.
Construction and completion
With an approved building permit, you are ready to begin construction, get your required trade permits and book inspections.
Apply for trade permits
Additional permits for electrical, plumbing, gas or fire protection work need to be applied for by a sub-trades contractor licensed to do such work in the City of Burnaby. Once the appropriate permit application forms are competed and payment is received, a Sub-Trade Permit is issued (provided that a Building Permit has been issued where required).
All work completed on your project will need to be inspected at various stages of construction. As a permit holder, you will need to contact the Building Department to request an inspection, with 24-hours notice required.
A number of different types of inspections may be required, such as sheathing, framing, insulation, sewer, plumbing, water pipe, gas vent and wiring. Please obtain a copy of the inspection list from the Building Department.
Prior to anyone moving into the new dwelling units, you must book and pass final building inspection, which takes place after final inspection and approval of the electrical, heating, plumbing and gas systems, and after retained and replacement trees are planted.
After final inspection and approval of the building, an Occupancy Certificate will be issued for the new construction; only then can the new house be occupied.
This information is provided for convenience only and is not in substitution of applicable City Bylaws or Provincial or Federal Codes or laws. You must satisfy yourself that any existing or proposed construction or other works complies with such Bylaws, Codes or other laws.