Additional Information

Learn more about the factors that affect your property tax

Our tax certificates are conveniently available online through:

  • APIC: If you prefer to pay for the tax certificate by credit card, please visit to open an account and order your tax certificate.
  • Mail in your written request along with your cheque or pay in person at Revenue Services. 
  • The current fee is set out in the Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw.

If you're unable to pay your property taxes this year, you may be able to defer your property taxes if you qualify for one of the following property tax deferment programs:

  • regular program
  • families with children program

Visit for the program overview, eligibility criteria and to obtain an application. 

If eligible, claim the provincial home owner grant by the property tax due date to avoid penalty.

Find contact information for school taxes (provincial), TransLink, Metro Vancouver (GVRD), BC Assessment and the Municipal Finance Authority.

School taxes (provincial)
Toll Free: 1-888-355-2700
Office: 250-387-0555

Phone: 604-953-3333

Metro Vancouver (GVRD)
Phone: 604-432-6200

BC Assessment
Phone: 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322)

Municipal Finance Authority
Phone: 1-250-383-1181

By virtue of Section 224 of the Community Charter, council has the authority to exempt certain land and/or improvements from municipal property taxes.

Council considers permissive tax exemption for non-profit organizations that provide a complementary extension of municipal services and programs, available to the public at large, with Burnaby residents being the primary beneficiaries of the services provided. 

The Permissive Tax Exemption Policy is intended to provide consistent and equal treatment and consideration for all applicants.

If your organization was approved for a Permissive Tax Exemption last year, an email with the confirmation of eligibility was sent to the organization contact person on the application. 

If you are a new organization wishing to apply for a 2026 Permissive Tax Exemption, complete the application form below and submit to [email protected] with supporting documentation by June 30, 2025. Late or incomplete applications may not be considered. 

Have questions? Contact [email protected].

The Local Area Service Program (LASP) allows neighbourhoods to improve their residential street or lane. Infrastructure improvement costs are shared between the City and the benefiting property owners. The annual levy (charge) for Local Area Services completed on your street by May 31 will appear on your tax notice. This includes construction of sidewalks, streetlights, speed humps and road paving.

You may pay your portion of these improvements in one of three ways:

  1. Pay the annual local area service levy charge each year over the repayment term of the improvement (5, 10 or 15 years)
  2. Pay the local area service levy charge in full the first year the annual charge appears on your tax notice to realize the greatest interest saving
  3. Pay the local area service levy charge outstanding in any subsequent year and realize an interest saving that is reduced with each succeeding year.

Property Information Inquiry

View and print a property information report for properties located in Burnaby, based on the property's civic address, the folio reference number or PID. The report will display the property assessment, tax levy information and legal description.

Access the Property Information Inquiry System

Historical tax rates

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value:

Property Class City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov School (net of Industrial Tax Credit) Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential  1.46320 0.956 0.00000 0.95600 0.2188 0.0516 0.0336 0.0002 2.72340
Utilities  15.35580 12.57 0.00000 12.57000 2.2031 0.1806 0.455 0.0007 30.76520
Supportive Housing   1.46320 0.1 0.00000 0.10000 0.00000 0.0516 0.00000 0.0002 1.61500
Major Industry 20.30900 1.33 0.00000 1.33000 1.2831 0.17544 0.455 0.0007 23.55324
Light Industry  3.58620 3.33 0.00000 3.33000 0.6279 0.17544 0.0964 0.0007 7.81664
Business Other  4.75260 3.33 0.00000 3.33000 0.7191 0.12642 0.0964 0.0005 9.02502
Managed Forest Land  0.00000 1.95 0.00000 1.95000 0.00000 0.1548 0.238 0.0006 2.34340
Recreation Non-Profit  0.5561 1.99 0.00000 1.99000 0.1496 0.0516 0.0336 0.0002 2.78110
Farm  5.8703 7.29 -3.64500 3.64500 0.309 0.0516 0.0336 0.0002 9.90970

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value:

Property Class City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov School (net of Industrial Tax Credit) Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential  1.54710 0.9844 0.00000 0.98440 0.2259 0.0503 0.0349 0.0002 2.8428
Utilities   15.10450 12.72000 0.00000 12.72000 2.23700 0.17605 0.4662 0.0007 30.7045
Supportive Housing   1.54710 0.10000 0.00000 0.10000 0.00000 0.0503 0.00000 0.0002 1.6976
Major Industry 19.99090 3.52000 -2.11200 1.40800 1.40220 0.17102 0.4662 0.0007 23.4390
Light Industry  4.31630 3.52000 0.00000 3.52000 0.7822 0.17102 0.1036 0.0007 8.8938
Business Other  5.12070 3.52000 0.00000 3.52000 0.7787 0.12324 0.1036 0.0005 9.6467
Managed Forest Land  0.00000 1.90000 0.00000 1.90000 0.00000 0.1509 0.2354 0.0006 2.2869
Recreation Non-Profit  0.5731 2.03000 0.00000 2.03000 0.1564 0.0503 0.0349 0.0002 2.8449
Farm  5.64490 6.98000 -3.49000 3.49000 0.3239 0.0503 0.0349 0.0002 9.5442

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value:

Property Class City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov School (net of Industrial Tax Credit) Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential  1.70070 1.11470 0.00000 1.11470 0.2586 0.0537 0.04110 0.0002 3.1690
Utilities   18.57990 12.86000 0.00000 12.86000 2.36290 0.18795 0.4731 0.0007 34.4646
Supportive Housing   1.70070 0.10000 0.00000 0.10000 0.00000 0.0537 0.00000 0.0002 1.8546
Major Industry 23.83730 3.86000 -2.31600 1.54400 1.52540 0.18258 0.4731 0.0007 27.5631
Light Industry  5.15020 3.86000 0.00000 3.86000 0.9393 0.18258 0.1137 0.0007 10.2465
Business Other  5.68700 3.86000 0.00000 3.86000 0.869 0.13157 0.1137 0.0005 10.6618
Managed Forest Land  0.00000 1.90000 0.00000 1.90000 0.00000 0.1611 0.2314 0.0006 2.2931
Recreation Non-Profit  0.6701 2.33000 0.00000 2.33000 0.1888 0.0537 0.0411 0.0002 3.2839
Farm  5.48290 6.91000 -3.45500 3.45500 0.3563 0.0537 0.0411 0.0002 9.3892

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value:

Property Class City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov School (net of Industrial Tax Credit) Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential  1.7039 1.1328 0.0000 1.1328 0.2517 0.0492 0.0426 0.0002 3.1804
Utilities  18.3376 13.0300 0.0000 13.0300 2.3385 0.1722 0.4788 0.0007 34.3578
Supportive Housing  1.7039 0.1000 0.0000 0.1000 0.0000 0.0492 0.0000 0.0002 1.8533
Major Industry 24.1554  0.0001 -0.0001 0.0000 1.5016 0.1673 0.4788 0.0007 26.3038
Light Industry  5.0624 1.0561 0.0000 1.0561 0.9585 0.1673 0.1099 0.0007 7.3549
Business Other  5.2995 1.1070 0.0000 1.1070 0.8518 0.1205 0.1099 0.0005 7.4892
Managed Forest Land  0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.1476 0.2242 0.0006 0.3725
Recreation Non-Profit  0.6342 0.7844 0.0000 0.7844 0.1819 0.0492 0.0426 0.0002 1.6925
Farm  5.4510 7.0500 -3.5250 3.5250 0.3494 0.0492 0.0426 0.0002 9.4174

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value.

Property Class City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov School (net of Industrial Tax Credit) Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential  1.5119 1.0283 0.0000 1.0283 0.2216 0.0402 0.0389 0.0002 2.8411
Utilities  18.0184 13.2000 0.0000 13.2000 2.3093 0.1407 0.4830 0.0007 34.1521
Supportive Housing  1.5119 0.1000 0.0000 0.1000 0.0000 0.0402 0.0000 0.0002 1.6523
Major Industry 24.6537  3.7000 -2.2200 1.4800 1.5613 0.1367 0.4830 0.0007 28.3154
Light Industry  5.3525 3.7000 0.0000 3.7000 1.0248 0.1367 0.1082 0.0007 10.3229
Business Other  5.3525 3.7000 0.0000 3.7000 0.8390 0.0985 0.1082 0.0005 10.0987
Managed Forest Land  0.0000 1.9000 0.0000 1.9000 0.0000 0.1206 0.2262 0.0006 2.2474
Recreation Non-Profit  0.6340 2.3000 0.0000 2.3000 0.1734 0.0402 0.0389 0.0002 3.1867
Farm  5.3525 7.1000 -3.5500 3.5500 0.3510 0.0402 0.0389 0.0002 9.3328

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value.

Property Class City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential  1.5063 1.0395 0.0000 0.2115 0.0417 0.0403 0.0002 2.8395
Utilities  25.1773 13.4000 0.0000 2.4557 0.1460 0.5037 0.0007 41.6834
Supportive Housing  1.5063 0.1000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0417 0.0000 0.0002 1.6482
Major Industry 31.9027  4.2000 -2.5200 1.6993 0.1418 0.5037 0.0007 35.9282
Light Industry  6.3109 4.2000 0.0000 1.1620 0.1418 0.1241 0.0007 11.9395
Business Other  6.3109 4.2000 0.0000 0.9396 0.1022 0.1241 0.0005 11.6773
Recreation Non-Profit  0.7489 2.5000 0.0000 0.1858 0.0417 0.0403 0.0002 3.5169
Farm  6.3109 7.0000 -3.5000 0.3458 0.0417 0.0403 0.0002 10.2389

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value.

Property Class City Council  School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential 1.5874  1.1028 0.0000 0.2193 0.0406 0.0432 0.0002 2.9935
Utilities  29.2136 13.4000 0.0000 2.4992 0.1421 0.4981 0.0007 45.7537
Supportive Housing 1.5874  0.1000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0406 0.0000 0.0002 1.7282
Major Industry 38.5939  4.8000 -2.8800 1.8756 0.1380 0.4981 0.0007 43.0263
Light Industry 7.4900  4.8000 0.0000 1.3442 0.1380 0.1393 0.0007 13.9122
Business Other 7.4900  4.8000 0.0000 1.0772 0.0995 0.1393 0.0005 13.6065
Recreation Non-Profit  0.9474 2.7000 0.0000 0.2105 0.0406 0.0432 0.0002 3.9419
Farm 7.4900  6.9000 -3.4500 0.3531 0.0406 0.0432 0.0002 11.3771

Table shows per $1,000 of assessed value.

Property Class  City Council School - Prov Industrial Tax Credit - Prov Translink Metro Vancouver BC Assessment Municipal Finance Authority Total
Residential 2.0119  1.3918 0.0000 0.2834 0.0498 0.0543 0.0002 3.7914
Utilities 33.1548  13.5000 0.0000 2.5743 0.1743 0.4995 0.0007 49.9036
Supportive Housing 2.0119  0.1000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0498 0.0000 0.0002 2.1619
Major Industry 44.9480  5.4000 -3.2400 1.9235 0.1693 0.4995 0.0007 49.7010
Light Industry 8.4653  5.4000 0.0000 1.5211 0.1693 0.1575 0.0007 15.7139
Business Other 8.4653  5.4000 0.0000 1.2420 0.1220 0.1575 0.0005 15.3873
Recreation Non-Profit 1.3088  3.1000 0.0000 0.2582 0.0498 0.0543 0.0002 4.7713
Farm  8.4653 6.9000 -3.4500 0.3629 0.0498 0.0543 0.0002 12.3825


As dictated by provincial legislation, late payment penalties will be added to taxes unpaid or home owner grant not claimed at the end of the following dates:

  • 5% after the July tax due date
  • Additional 5% after the September due date

Get more details on each of the following legislations:

The Community Charter is the first local government legislation in Canada to establish a full set of principles for municipal-provincial relations. View the complete Community Charter.

Public notice and access to records:

Property value taxes:

Parcel taxes:

Local services taxes:

Statutory exemptions:

Permissive exemptions:

Tax liability of occupiers:

General revenue collection authority:

Property tax due dates and tax notices:

Adjustments to taxes:

Payment of taxes:

Recovery of taxes:

Recovery of special fees:

City of Burnaby bylaws are public regulatory laws that apply in the city of Burnaby. A municipal bylaw is no different than any other law. It can be enforced with penalties, challenged in court and must comply with all other laws of BC and Canada. View the complete City of Burnaby Bylaws.

The purposes of this Act are:

(a) To provide a legal framework and foundation for the establishment and continuation of local governments to represent the interests and respond to the needs of their communities,

(b) To provide local governments with the powers, duties and functions necessary for fulfilling their purposes, and

(c) To provide local governments with the flexibility to respond to the different needs and changing circumstances of their communities.

View the complete Local Government Act.

Annual municipal tax sale:

Contact us

Revenue Services (formerly Tax Office)

Contact Us

[email protected]


4949 Canada Way
BC Canada
V5G 1M2

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Monday - Wednesday: 8:00 am-4:45 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am-8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-4:45 pm

Holiday Hours:

Closed on statutory holidays

About Revenue Services

Revenue Services is responsible for the billing and collection of utilities, garbage disposal fees and property taxes. We also collect taxes for other authorities including Provincial Schools, TransLink, Metro Vancouver, Municipal Finance Authority and BC Assessment. We also provide central revenue receipting services for the City.

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